Male can only choose Height, but Female gets additional Hips and Breast sliders? No Muscleslider for Men or something? Also Females get more customization Options on their Main Body and Accessories? Obviously you shouldn't have the same Choices for both, that'd be stupid, but Man should be able to wear Shirt+Jacket or something aswell, no?
Anyhow, Breast and Hip slider also move the specific Bodyparts up and down, not only size them. Your selection sub-menues when clicking on one do not always align properly to the selectionbox and can go offscreen. Your UI overall is, as pretty much every DD before not very good in your Menues. I can also see the HUD and the loadingScreen behind the Creation Menu itself. The Pose is pretty weird looking aswell.
Some Parts like inner Hands, Toes and inner Ears are not getting Shaded, and the Eyes are obviously taged on. The Skin is also way too shiny, so when choosing a darker Skin color for testing, it looks more like nearly melting Chocolate then Skin. Boobslider grows extremely unnaturral. I'm assuming because Physics aren't applied in the Creator, but why isn't it? It's on for the Hairstyles. And apparently Horns are part of the Hairstyle?
Your Highheel Options aren't standing on their Heels. Your framed Glasses float way too high above the Nose. You do also not offer a lot of interesting or standard clothing Pieces at the Moment. Especially no normal Shoes, either Highheels or Sandals basically, and either long Dresses or skimpy outfits. Some outfit Parts like the small Jacket are also in Accessories - TorsoMiddle, when they should be in Torso-Outer Clothing. Some Parts also clip horribly with each other.
Finally I could barely click confirm, because a giant DEMO Text is blocking the Button.
Regardless, it adds a lot in being able to Identify yourself into the Games World.
It's a Shame that Hair Physics are only in creating your Character apparently, but its really nice that I no longer am a 2m+ tall Guy, hopefully gives me a better Sense of Scale. And hopefully I won't need multiple KGs of Food per Day aswell.
I don't know if you changed the Animations, my Gut instinct tells me no, but they feel a lot nicer on my Character.
Some of your new Sparkles, the Clock on Autocook etc. are nice, it adds quite a bit. You still overload it with a ton of Information tho.
I 'think' there's a lot new in the Fishing, some more Juice, the new sinking of Bait, and keeping it afloat with your reeling, sadly it seems to not do much for the Fish, and its better to just let it sink in Place so they follow and don't loose focus, instead of mimicing Bait-movement. Still Fishing and catching Bugs is once again the most fun Part of this.
And then came the least favorite Part again, searching your Town for the Villagers. Noticed that my Energy seemed to go up during it tho, not down, so something is wrong there, or changed?
Having a Time to sleep popup is really nice in the Tutorial, and having a proper report of the Day aswell, altho again your UI is feeling a bit weirdly laid out and potentially overloaded. It's alright to tell me I have 10 Butterflies, 1 Bee, 1 Cricket and so on, but it feels odd to specifically tell me how many grams of whatever I bought in the full Screen, instead of an optional Popup. Same with every 20g of random Seeds I happened to find. Just giving me Spent/Made/total Income, Skillups, and big Things, like a specifically large Fish, or if I harvested 2000kg of Potatoes or something would be enough I think.
Finished the Tutorial up to Advanced Agriculture, took the Time to build a tiny but proper looking Hut this Time. You're missing a reverse Triangle Wallpiece, so one side will always have its support Beams on the Wrong side as it is right now. You also must've changed something at the Saturation System, I eat way less and stay full for longer. I still run out of Energy if I don't take a nap during the Day aswell, but I at least no longer have to constantly chow down Blueberries, which is nice. I also found a Clover+Puffles Quest for Luca I'll attempt, looking for and gathering the Ingredients was fun. But you really need proper Dialogue and Requests for the Quests, and when turning them in, so it feels rewarding and interesting, not just having every NPC with a Quest topic that just displays what they currently want. Forgot that the Quest had a Time limit, and couldn't grow enough Clovers in Time, what a Shame.
And I added a little Steamer and Stuff to my House to steam some trash-fish Filets with Blueberries and Ginger. If you know what you're doing and pay attention to the Graphs provided, it is fun, but it would be a lot more Fun if I didn't have to number crunch so many Graphs at the same Time during it I think.
Looking at the Traits/Nutrient/Etc System more, again it could be fun, the System seems interesting, its just horribly displayed to the Player, with a Ton of overly detailed Numbers, boring Trait display etc.
Anyway, here's the Hut, with the almost finished Tutorial and everything. What you need the most, apart from a proper redo of the Town layout, Graphics, Lighting etc ofcourse, are better NPCs with proper Dialogues and routines, so you can have Fun interacting with them, and a better UI on pretty much everything I think. Still, I enjoyed it more then last Time, so it definetly is improving, good Job.