Exiting the ruins gets me stuck without an ability to do anything. Can't even open the menu. It even autosaves at that exact point. It's also replicable after trying again from a backup save.
There are lots of collision bugs. I had the same performance problem mentioned below. Funny enough it doesn't go away even after reloading a save, only warping works.
Visually it's pretty good at the start but the inconsistency ruins it ie. indoors. The intro and those loading hints feel very nice. UI looks pretty good with some room spare for improvements (when switching around item tabs using mouse it could automatically select it from hover alone instead of having to additionally click, or grey out the items below before selecting the tab to make it more obvious it's not clickable yet).
Combat sounds interesting from what I got from the single encounter.
Exploration based pokemon, and in 2d format instead of shitty open world? That took so many years. I'm interested.