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Bicho Feo

A member registered Oct 19, 2021 · View creator page →

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Yeah, I suppose that was a given, and its really not that big of a factor at the end of the day. Thanks for taking the time to answer.

Hi, I'm considering either buying this pack or becoming a patreon to get some attack effects. 

I'd use this for a commercial monster taming pixel art game (for the record the games in my page are very outdated so the style has changed). 

As great as the effects look (10/10 btw) I'm wondering if these have been used in other games similar to the one I'm making since I'd would want to keep my game from getting confused with other games in the genre, do you know if that is the case?

Thanks in advance!

(1 edit)

This game is great and has great aesthetics but I think there's still room for improvement, so here's my 2c.

  • It seems that there's no dedicated area to get beast digimon experience, the closest to that is the ice one but its divided with aqua which already has 3 areas going for it.
  • Lots of digimon to recruit lack any sort of info on what the criteria to recruit them is. Now I know this is reminiscent of the DW games but that's not really one of their strong points.
  • Kill requirements for U+ evolution seem a bit high. 7-10k kills? I think a player would need to get well over 100hs of grinding for that.
  • There's no use for tamer points after lvl 75ish.
  • Equipment after champion level doesn't seem to drop ever.
  • Age seems irrelevant. I can get some megas within 3 hours so instead of using the same mon for several days I change it when I get bored, hence I still haven't had a digimon die yet, also the tamer skills related to that never become relevant.
  • Suggestion: Data from digimon is very easy to obtain with the tamer skills unlocked so the box starts to get bloated and there's really no use for so many mons maybe add a chance to drop something like attribute exp?

Really like the visuals. Only thing worth mentioning is that the character sprite clashes a bit with the tiles (dunno if the palette or the amount of details is the issue)

I'd say the spiky dogs could be improved a bit, they are really tough and not even getting them on the back makes a dent on them so I just try to avoid them. Also if you just get the distance right you can kill them without any reaction from them (I think if you are above a cliff?), I'd suggest that if hit they should initiate a chase regardless of distance. 

Pressing S an shift for sliding through a crack is kinda uncomfortable.

I couldn't get the grenade belt inside the cracks (skill issue?)

Boss wrecked me but I'll give it another try later.

Thanks for playing!! I missed the stream but I'll check it out later.

I'll get to fixing the buy screen bug, not my proudest work to be honest.

Thanks for playing! I'm absolutely rethinking the firing direction thingy, perhaps mouse direction could be worth trying but I think simple might be best and just have the facing direction decide the firing direction.

On the ladder yes I kinda struggle to make the partner go right towards me, kinda took like 5 tries of the younger sibling falling to the water. About the jittering I didn't really notice any from what I played.

The puzzles in this game are interesting, controlling several characters at the same time makes me think of Lost Vikings (totally should play that one if you haven't). Visuals could use some work but it does the job for a proof of concept. Dunno if sound is not working or if doesn't have sound yet (I think the only thing that plays a sound is the trampoline?).

Minor annoying detail: it took me three tries to read the slippery floor sign (which by then I already understood what the help was about) but I would make it so it actives upon touching the floor.

Gave it a try but not a full playthrough (yet)

The good:

* Animations are really good (I learned a few things from watching them).

* Art and Music is top noch as always.

Little details:

* Can move before inputing name on a new game.

* First time I opened it it didn't finish loading so I reopened it and it went fine (dunno if that's reproductible)


* A way to run would be nice, walking feels really slow.

First play and I'm planning on playing it longer but here are at least some comments before DD ends. 

It looks really polished, the basic mechanics are nice and easy to get. I guess the main menu and UI could be a little more fleshed out so as to be at the level the art/tiles/animations are.

One thing that adds some noise is that there's lots of small objects that kinda clutter the floor and at first it makes it difficult to determine enemies like fo example the enemy plants from the rest of the objects on screen, I could see this being a design choice and if thats the case then you should probably disregard this.

Almost missed this because it didn't give me a notification. Thanks for playing and the feedback it really helps and good catch on the upgrade cost. 

Was intending to make the drill give you damage immunity also too (since you use it while moving) but ended up giving it a bigger damage window.

Thanks for playing and your comment. If you liked the music you should play battledemons and dreams of joys departed,  the soundtrack for my game was made but that dev (haven't played the former but the later is a good game). Did you feel the drill was useful enough? Damage scales with speed so its good to pair it up with the speed boost.

Interesting, could it be I misplaced some dlls that make LOVE2D work on all machines? Could you try with a new download?

(1 edit)

Like the concept, expecting good stuff from this as it develops. Feedback:

  • Dunno if the attack UI portraits are meant to be ordered according to map placement or if the ally always goes on the left and enemy on the right, I think the UI should convey this (like with red and blue colors).
  • Visiting a house doesn't do anything (maybe NYI?).
  • Menu bugs out and appears on screen if I press enter quickly after inputing the last unit's action. 
  • It looks like last enemy standing avoids the player which if intended its a nice addition.

Oh you meant traversing okay.

"monsters mind their business" you mean they didn't chase you if you get close or attack you or answer to fire? They do as far as I playtested. 

Ecco the dolphin is not really something I'm taking inspiration from. 

Yeah probably just a setting is the best solution. 

What I meant to say is that you can't press enter to jump to the next text when you have already loaded the current one and need to manually click 'next' button, which for a game that looks to have a good amount of text is something to consider.

Thanks for the much needed feedback, I'll have to go back to the drawing board to make the mechanics more engaging. If you don't mind I have a couple of questions.

When you say transversal movement is bad you mean going up or down? Some people said the movement is slow but it is the same speed as the horizontal movement, I think the parallax background may give the feeling that the player is moving too slow. Did the dash break collisions or do you mean its too fast when compared to regular movement?

Also there is a way to lower sfx in the options menu but I think you mean to disable the alarm entirely which I could totally add.

Playing this one after a few months. Just finished the first round and I believe difficulty is at the right spot, not too difficult not too easy for the first levels. Visuals are great as ever.
Suggestion,  maybe allow the text to move forward with click or enter instead of having to press 'next'. I found Auto a bit slow. Didn't find any bugs for now, solid demo.

Had a good time with this game. Loved that the laser reflects on the water surface. 

Not sure if I dig the circle thingy as a health indicator. It does the job but does it mean that if I don't take damage for 5 seconds I'm back to full health?

You're absolutely correct, I went back and checked, the label was golden when giving orders to everyone. One suggestion would be to make this a little more visible for the player.

Thanks for playing and the video. I'm pretty sure the equipment screen shows which equipments are passive or active thought I think some sort of visual queue is in order during the hunt. About the 'z' control, what other bind would you suggest? 

Thanks por playing and for the feedback. UI is still a work in progress, can't select stuff with keyboard in the equip scene but the pause one should be working, will look  into it.

To answer your question its going to be  mostly level based, although the first level is still really empty, will be adding obstacles and other stuff.

Really liked the visuals and the story, the setup and characters reminds me of Phantasy Star games. 

The tutorial was easy to follow, though some texts at the end stay in place after you've completed the action. When the demo ends I could still press leave scene and go through some screens that didn't make sense. Afterwards I could initiate skirmishes with raiders, dunno if intended. Some additional feedback:


- I'd suggest you give your dialogues to some native english speaker to proof read / correct. There's lots of errors that make it worse when the plot and script is actually quite good.


- Press esc to skip is too small and in the corner, I'd put it middle bottom so its near the prologue text (with a smaller size than the prologue text but still not that small).

- hovering over a keyword like 'outer' or 'inner' makes the text pop up below the dialogue so it can't be read at all.

- Suggestion: make the enemy colors red to contrast with the blue from allied forces, this is typical and easily recognizable feature from most tactics games.

As others have said controls are not that great at first but I got used to them and they make sense for a game of this kind. Unfortunately, I slipped from the ramp on the 2nd level and the character kept falling into infinity, a way to reset the level would be cool to do more testing.

Neat: jumping from rail to rail.

Potential to become a great game, the concept is fun. I really like the hacker aesthetics.

Minor details:

* Upon opening the window is offset from the center (probably its adjusted to another resolution instead of autoadjusting)

* Menu says up and down but its actually w/s.

* Can't deselect wires when clicking on top of enemy LoS.


* A way to pause could be cool

* I think enemies should react to shooting close to them 

Not much to say about this prototype, the book interface is neat.


- Dunno if intended but you can zoom while talking to npcs

- A way to fast forward dialogue would be nice.

Game has been greately improved from my first try months ago, the boss is tougher, there's another skill and more levels.


- I'm not sure on the hitboxes, its like its in favor of the player and that makes it difficult to predict.

- What does the lil guy do?

First time trying this one. I found this game rather hard at first but thats just because of not being used to this kind of tactics game, could acomplish some missions after playing for some minutes. 


- It requires a lot of precision to trigger the 'use E' text when hoverin over an object.

- At some point during the second 'give orders' tutorial mission, the give orders bugged and orders given were taken by both red and blue teams.

Thanks man, I've been trying to replicate that bug all day and your pic helped me crack whats going on. 
On the clunkiness, I'm tempted to reduce the water resistance or increase melee range from all the feedback I've gotten, but I'll try different approaches before making the choice. As a diver, I was trying to replicate the complications of keeping the right level but I understand that idea might not be fun.

Thanks for the feedback!

When you say being able to select multiple items in the shop do you mean having two of the same? cause that is intended actually, you can have 2 solar panel gadgets for never running out of battery.

I'm considering making a tutorial level but I ran out of time for this DD.

Sometimes I failed the mission but I'm not sure how, I'm pretty sure time didn't run out. Yeah sorry about that, there was no alert for low battery (which it was probably that). 0.1.2 has this added as well as the fixing the spawn crab issue but you've probably moved on to other games. Thanks again.

Thanks for all the feedback, I really appreciate the bug report and the suggestions (the one on the damage feedback is really on point, will surely add that and a low battery alert asap.)

On this one "every time the sub went too deep the nautilus creatures started getting aggroed from all the way across the level in large groups. Not sure if intentional.", are you sure this was tied to the depth?  I have not coded it like that although I have seen they can sometimes swarm at the player randomly, they are aggroed when you attack them or if you go to close sometimes. 

I think part of the charm of the game is to navigate the underwater physics (hint: if you feel like you're bumping into enemies a lot, stunning them  with the stun gun makes them give you no damage upon collision.)

Damn that was quick! I've reuploaded it just now with that fixed. I need to stop playtesting the game on mute lol. 

Game's really good, love the graphics, and as a diver myself I have to say the physics are on point. Some feedback/suggestions:

- The level up coral is indistinguishable from other corals aside from placement, a brighter hue could help with this.

- Some low volume background music should help the gameplay feel more complete, should keep the focus on the ambient sound and sfx.

- Some algae look cut at the top, dunno if its an issue with how the spritesheet is loaded or just how the graphics are.

- Got lost on where to find the exit on third level an ultimately gave up, I guess thats the idea. 

Had a lot of fun with this one, could use some more info on the durability stat of the car, I saw the red overlay increasing but maybe something like the fuel bar would be neat. I'M NOT BUYING A GAMEPAD.

Cool, if multiplayer is in mind then, of the top of my head, you can do something like what Evolve game did, when selecting an upgrade you go invulnerable (or shielded) for a few seconds until you select the upgrade or the timer runs out (autoselecting an option),