I really like this; however I feel like the energy economy doesn't work well.
With no indication of which direction the stairs lie, you have to explore methodically. If you happen to explore a dead end, the probability of dying on your way back is incredibly high.
Thanks for the feedback! This game was made for a game jam and I don't have any near-term plans to continue development, but if I do, I'll address this
In the meantime, a tip: the maps are roughly rectangular in shape, and the stairs tend to be in the opposite corner. Knowing this, if you run into a dead-end, you can often dig to find a different tunnel. Good luck!
thanks, I just finished the game before seeing this.
Part of my problem with the energy economy might have been that I didn't realize every card uses energy not just energy being used every turn. Which I guess is necessary, since otherwise you could just constantly move around for free by using "free your mind" and "flash".