It's a little hard to rate. The idea seems original, like a reverse city/base builder. It's a nice concept. On the other hand, I found it confusing and I think maybe the help pages were unfinished with pictures missing or not in the right places or something, or I just didn't understand.m I cleared the stages more by trial and error, seeing which things game over'd me or not when I did them in different orders, rather than actually understanding all the numbers going on.
Also the victory objective is vague, since on the 2nd two I got 100% people just going only for that. I saw the idea was to also save other things, but if it costed people, I would not want to do that, and if there's a way to get 100% while still getting other things, honestly it was a bit rough and probably needed more time to get to a state where I'd be more into that.