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It was fun to see your progress as your horde made its way closer and closer to the enemy, and I admire how there were different types of tower to force different strategies, although honestly the game was very very easy. I had two strategies: most of the time, I made a bunch of tanks and occasionally a few ghosts, which would have cover because of the tanks and then could sprint to the princess once the tanks ran out. Or if there were lots of area-of-effect turrets, I also made lots of tanks and occasionally a few ghosts, well, a few more ghosts, which ran out ahead and distracted the area-of-effect turrets so the tanks could keep encroaching.

Thanks for the feedback!

That's the best strategy I found too!

It was hard balancing the game, if I put more towers it became really hard really quickly, so I chose to let it easier so more people could play the whole game!

Definitely a point I will revisit if I ever continue this game


If you ever decided to revamp the unit types later on (bearing in mind it could be a lot of work) you could consider having different types of damage, like magic damage versus physical damage, or elemental resistances. That's one way a lot of games create a rock-paper-scissors dynamic.

Thats a neat idea! If I ever revisit this game, definitely will add these mechanics!