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The game is very simple. I did what you said and deleted the Save1 file and I got instructions on what to do, but even with that, there isn't a whole lot of depth to the gameplay. Maybe the game would be better if the map was bigger and there were more levels.

(2 edits)

Yeah, me and my friend wanted to have three levels and a variation for difficulty. The first level is the one you see in the game. The second was gonna be a bank and the final one would've been a museum with two floors. To add more variation we would've had the number of thieves and their intelligence change. There was also a planned upgrade menu which would've increased the guards sight range, the cameras FOV and a couple other things. However, due to me not knowing anything about UE AI stuff I ended up spending the majority of my time bug fixing the thief AI and so we ended up not having enough time to finish the game. There would also be a mission/contract selection screen similar to the one in Phasmophobia with a difficulty rating and payout display for each mission/contract. The mission/contracts you can choose from would increase in difficulty (and payout) as you successfully completed more missions (so there was a reputation system also planned).

There were also planned cutscenes which would've played out like the comic book scenes from Kick-Ass and Into The Spider-verse. The storyline would've been you are a father and your daughter has cancer. You decided to start a security company to gain some extra cash to help pay for the daughter's medical bills. But, sadly we had to scrap that for time. I plan to add in all of these features when the game jam ends so I can at least say I game is in a somewhat finished state. The game would end when you reached 1 million dollars earned (but you'd be able to continue playing afterwards as well).


Damn, you really did have a lot planned! Alas, I don't think it is possible to add all that in two days, even if you didn't have to debug anything. I would keep it simple next time to get a lot more done.