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I think the game looks really pretty and i feel like theres a cool concept here but there is nothing stopping you from just spamming, it feels as though it is hard to make any strategy around the different troops. I think  an important thing you could change is how they target troops, feels like they were changing at random sometimes. I tried sending the slimes in first to tank so that the devil would live to the end but the towers would just switch targets to the devil instantly. 

Cool art, cool concept, just needs a little more strategy behind it.


Thanks for your feedback!

Definitely agree with you, the "currency" mechanic is highly unbalanced and need some adjustments haha

Due to time constraint it wasn't possible to make it as good as i wanted, so I chose to let it be very forgiving to players, so it was possible to everyone finish every level with relative ease 

The targeting logic was every tower would focus the unit that was in the front of the line, except for the cannon, that would shoot in the position the first unit was in the moment it started to shoot, maybe this part need some tweaking!