Lovely pixel art
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Ok so. The art is incredible especially for a 2 day jam, i'm an artist and I cannot imagine how Bastian Faulk managed to create so much high quality art in so little time. I hope i can achieve the same super human speed as them (Hope your arms didn't fall off after this).
As for the game, i really like the concept and I LOVED the game... until that damn red hand showed up. I got what i presume is the bad ending since i didn't help them find the will and you can thank that hand for that. I feel like it takes away a lot of the problem solving and puzzle aspects of the game which it feels like it wants to focus on. It's like if you had to do a minigame everytime you wanted to shoot your gun in an fps. Now again, i got the bad ending, so i don't know if that red hand has story relevance but if it does, i'd replace it with a timer for every answer, so the hand shows up and takes over when it's up. You could still use the hand for the story, but they don't limit your capabilities of writing.
Overall a pretty good game but it would be a great, no an incredible game if that hand didn't exist.
A nice and simple game. A little hard to hook on to the reel at times but thats alright. I'd love to see some more animations and music for our fishy friend in the future to really sell us on the struggle between the hook and the fish.
A nice solid game with a good concept. My compliments to the chef!
Ok Ok, this game is an easy top tier. It's simple but you don't feel like it needs a lot more, ESPECIALLY since it's a jam game. I like the art, it's really great (reminds me alot about punch out) but more than that i like the feel it gives, you really feel good every time you get a perfect parry.
I really hope that you update this game after the jam is over. I could definitely see more boxers added that use different styles of boxing which would force you to switch up your playstyle like for example if you fought against a slugger you would need to do parry every attack or you'd get blown of the chain.
Keep up the great work!
I think the game looks really pretty and i feel like theres a cool concept here but there is nothing stopping you from just spamming, it feels as though it is hard to make any strategy around the different troops. I think an important thing you could change is how they target troops, feels like they were changing at random sometimes. I tried sending the slimes in first to tank so that the devil would live to the end but the towers would just switch targets to the devil instantly.
Cool art, cool concept, just needs a little more strategy behind it.