Ahh cool, I hadn't even considered glyphs moving freely and being emitted like particles. Brain still leaning towards being stuck in traditional ASCII representation mindset :P Quite the interesting engine you've built already, I expected a lot more of the thoughts that have been thrown at you overall would be outside of viability.
I've seen you've been elsewhere concerned about telegraphing to new players their context in the world. I'm guessing as the engine is basically now you'd be able to, on game start, render some animations before the character can input actions? Thinking an intro in some variable order of
1)Meteor/Godsoul crashes towards ground/character's 'host'
2)Crater is created, depending upon race/class combination influence spreads out in the immediate zones area, e.g. necromancer kills trees in radius from impact zone, physical classes get a shockwave that knocks trees over, inquisitor/warlock spread some form of fire/magic
My 'head canon' imagined that above was happening already :P The main problem I see with this is first impressions for new players. If anything actually manages to get killed in the shockwave, would they get exp? If fires start spreading or something otherwise creates a hazard, I could see this leading to a quick information overload and an "ahhh what's happening???"