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Unfortunately I can't seem to get your game to work. When I try to play the web version, I get this:


The following features required to run Godot projects on the Web are missing:
Cross Origin Isolation - Check web server configuration (send correct headers)
SharedArrayBuffer - Check web server configuration (send correct headers)

And when I try the download link it says 'page blocked'.

It's a shame because reading your description, it looks like you put a lot of thought into this game and I'd like to be able to try it.

(2 edits)

Are you able to try the windows build? I'm currently looking up the problem, but I most likely will not be able to fix it until after the full jam is over.
Edit: After researching, I have learned that according to Godot 4's official documentation: Godot 4's HTML5 exports currently cannot run on macOS.
Are you using a mac?

Not Mac, but Linux. that might have a similar issue.

I can run most Windows builds through WINE, but for some reason when I tried to download the Windows build it said ‘page blocked’ and didn’t download.

I just used to host the files, so the page blocked makes no sense unless it happens with other games on as well. Maybe a mix of keywords caused the page to block if you have some kind of parental limits on your computer? Or maybe something could have bugged out at that moment leading to the page being blocked, idk.

This is what pops up when I try to download the file, both when I first tried it and now.  Only this game has given me this error and I have no idea why.

I don't have any parental limits on my computer or network, so I have to assume it's just some error. I assume most people have been able to play just the browser version and haven't needed to download the Windows build. I'm curious if the issue is unique to me, or if other people trying the download would have a similar issue.

I'm sorry you couldn't play. That is very weird though.