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Your game is very beautiful.

It was too hard for me and I feel like you should have used at least free music to add to it.

I didn't understand what the lightning spell did, it was difficult for me to face the fact that towers were aiming at the first bunny and I had no control over whether the first one was the toughest one. After c couple of buildings, the troops mixed together and I could lose everyone because the tank wasn't the target. Felt out of my control. It felt like I lost because of some random values.

It was also uncool to have my troops stand in a place around a building where they could be reached by other buildings when there are clearly safer spots that other troops have taken

Your comment makes me a little bit sad 😞 

I don't understand your suggestion about the music. Our game already got amazing music and SFX, made during the Jam by our very talented team mate Tom Clay-Harris, so maybe your sound was off or you disabled it at the start by mistake? So far, no bug was found on this subject, it would be a first.

I am really sorry you find the game too hard... It can take retries to get used to some mechanics but I can assure you the game is really accessible and doable. We just wanted to make it a little challenging, it's a strategic game after all! If you're having trouble finishing the last levels... Well, we believe we've done our job properly.

If you are willing to try again, I recommend you to visit our game page where we explained everything about the different mechanics, especially the spells (the lightning and snowflake button). I hope you will have more fun next time 🫶🏻

I'm sorry you got sad because of my comment. I can see you've poured lots of love into the game.

Perhaps the web version decided against loading the music. Maybe the sound effects were there and without music, they felt insufficient.

I feel like this game is not my cup of tea, so I'm ok with it being too difficult for me. I like very few strategic games, I'm more of a tactician - Frozen Synapse and Into the Breach are at my wavelength.

I know how you can get used to a certain way of viewing your game so my purpose was to show another perspective, not to rain on your parade. You've made a game that feels polished and it is a big feat!

Actually, you're right: the troops can have a bit of random positioning. If you're unlucky you can definitely lose some units.
Unfortunately, I realized this issue near the very end and I was short on time to solve it :(


I suspect that's an unpleasant realization. The more complex your game system is, the more risks there are.

I'm still impressed with how hand-crafted the game feels.

Oh, I must ask: did the foxes show themselves as crafty during the later parts of the game, and how?