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A member registered Dec 05, 2017 · View creator page →

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How the hell did I miss that??
This is really a cool game, the idea and the execution are both great! Good job, fellow sword enjoyer!!

Wow, it looks pretty cool!

Very cute penguins 👍 

I wish I had a Playdate to play this banger of a game!

Thank you for recognizing the value of my work! I'm still disappointed it wasn't nominated at this year's Game Awards...

Well played on getting all the achievements!


Yeah, I will try to fix a few instances of this bug but I won't be able to fix it everywhere. Thanks for letting me know about it!

Thanks for playing! I'm glad you were able to enjoy it even without knowing Shirou!

I think you have all of them if you found the missing Neco-Arc!

Achievement list (as of now):

  • Dancing Event
  • 2 Secret Places
  • Isolated Buidling
  • High Jump
  • Hidden Neco-Arc

Well played! There are 6 achievements in total. One of them is the "Hidden Neco-arc", I believe almost nobody got it.

Thanks for playing and well played on finding (almost) all of the achievements! It's been a blast seeing you swords come together on the game!

And you haven't even seen the sequel yet...

Actually, retreating too late makes you lose some carrots, since all your units die. Your units are reimbursed if they successfully retreat. Though, the mechanic is maybe a bit complicated to understand in the current iteration.

Very interesting concept! Also one of the hardest game of the jam, the chicken were too strong! I even tried to make a detour to avoid them and I was greeted by 2 giant chickens hahaha. Fun game, good job!

(1 edit)

I really like the idea and the funny dialog. Playing as a boss works really well when you unlock the laser beam. It was fun!

Thanks for the kind words!!

Actually, you're right: the troops can have a bit of random positioning. If you're unlucky you can definitely lose some units.
Unfortunately, I realized this issue near the very end and I was short on time to solve it :(

I really like the concept. It was fun to think about what would happen by moving the platform!
Also, there are quite a lot of levels for a game jam, well done!

Fun game, I liked trying to infect more and more enemies to get an army of zombies!

(1 edit)

Thanks for your comment!

I think you're right, the split path mechanic and the retreat mechanic could have been a bit more refined to give more strategic choices. Alas, we ran out of time! Maybe for a post-jam patch.

Thanks, glad you liked it!

Thank you for your nice comment!
Actually, you're right: initially, we wanted to remove some features for the first level. Unfortunately, we couldn't find the time for it.

Fun idea and quite challenging! Well done!

Very interesting take on the tower defense genre!
I really liked getting more and more towers as I kept playing, fun game!

Thank you! I'm glad you liked the "Retreat" mechanic!


Bonne utilisation du thème!

Le jeu est très propre visuellement, et en terme de design, il y a une montée de challenge vraiment bien maitrisée ! Une expérience très bien réalisé, bravo !

Short experience, but very fun!

The idea and the presentation are really good. Especially the music evolving as you capture the attention of more and more people, it's amazing!

Making a game this polished and this good in a week-end is really impressive.

It's addictive, it's fun and there are enough units to try different strategies. The feedbacks are excellent as well. Great idea and great game! 


Thank you for your kind words!!

It's like a dream come true, being a fan of automatic doors, I feel like I can finally be myself. Thank you.

Very good take on the theme!
I didn't think you could make so many interesting levels out what seemed like a simple idea.
Well done!

Thank you! Good job finding the easter egg!

    • Go into hard mode
    • Start running to the right
    • Jump before the high jump to make a U-turn
    • Start running to the left
    • Jump over the wall at the start


    The music used is from Fate/stay night (Realta Nua) Soundtrack Reproduction.

    I'm always impressed by your work, and this one is no exception.
    The map looks really good!  So relaxing to travel around the globe...
    Well done!

    Ouais, j'y ai pensé (j'utilise un clavier qwerty en plus !). C'est juste que la position de la main pour VBN est vraiment inconfortable je trouve. SDF, DFG ou ERT serait peut-être un bon compromis.