Thanks for all your help testing this game!
I went back and forth on whether it should be possible to "win" and not lose body parts or not. I wanted crazy high scores to be possible with increased game knowledge. Seems like I probably made the wrong decision, since I forgot to consider the fact that on days following day one, you don't start out with any lost body parts. Potentially, making the player lose a random body part at the start of day 2 might have also been a good solution for for thought, anyhow.
Audio is definitely something I'll be looking into after the jam. Unfortunately I ran into a really nasty bug with twine when I tried to add text effects to screens with time-based events: every time a time-based event happened, everything that wasn't the default color flashed white for a moment. Not totally sure how I can deal with that, but I'll report it to the engine's creators.
Again, thank you so much for all of your help! If you've ever got a game you need tested in the future I'd be happy to :)