I love the game here, but I really struggled with the perspective. There was something weird where, pushed just far enough forward, the ball would launch even higher vertically, and I would have to tilt backwards. But still, I could see myself playing a _ton_ of this.
Viewing post in Revenge of the Cup! jam comments
aaa thanks
yeah lmao, the velocity thingy, i literally added that functionality intentionally to add more difficulty, and then i thought it makes things abit weird but i forgot to comment it out :D
Also yeah it really would be useful for a game like this to have customizeable camera position/angles no?
Hmmmm even if it wasn't positionable camera angles, I think a floor, a drop-shadow for the ball, and ray-cast enemy sprites (like in Doom/Wolfenstein) would be good; the enemy size would allow you to see how far back an enemy was, and you could watch the shadow pass along the floor to get some depth perception. But I'm sure there are a hundred ways to skin this cat :]