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I win!
Gosh that game was SUPER hard, probably spent an hour beating it!

I love the ghost swapping, really neat how you can only use one for a few attacks before being forced to switch back.

That being said, if I did want to stick to one (usually the ranged one), I would just stand in a corner and mash the attack button on the melee one so I can switch back. Not a big deal and it could even be seen as a mechanic, but perhaps maybe only have the bar deplete if damage is dealt?

Regardless, really fun game and a looot of content for a game jam! There was like 5 zones and 3 bosses, not to mention like 4 different enemies!

Thank you so much for sticking with it till the end and for the feedback :)

I'm glad you say there is a lot of content because I had to cut so much stuff. Like the anime hot spring scene is the only reason there is a town in the game and now that town is pointless! I also had to cut a boss idea and I had animated another enemy that I didn't have time to program in. I was worried it would feel a bit bare bones  but you've put my mind at rest :) I was lucky to have a week off work so there where quite a few 12 hour days working on it. And the final day I submitted it I basically did an all nighter. I still ran short on time which is why the start menu and ending are so terrible.

My plan was to make it so that you only lost and gained ghost power on connecting attacks meaning youd have to land hits with one ghost to power up the other. But by the time I went to change it the code was an absolute riot and I didn't want to break it right when I was almost done.  But yeah, I thought people might end up doing that!

Thanks again for playing :) I'm back from my holiday on  Sunday so I plan on downloading and playing the other entries then. I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone else has done. They look awesome.