I don't have a lot to say. I just love this game. The graphics/art style are beautiful. The writing is awesome and funny. The gameplay is simple but super tight and fun, sometimes gameplay doesn't need to be complex and this absolutely nails the run and gun fun. It's a bummer there wasn't time to finish, but that just shows how awesome it is that it was still one of my favs. Well done ^__^
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I used to use RPG maker... How do you manage to make it your own style so well!! I'd never have guessed that this was made in RPG maker, you must be a total wizard at it. It's an awesome game with very cool mechanics. It totally builds upon what you did last year but absolutely takes it to the next level. Amazing work. So awesome.
This has total MGS Ground Zeros vibes. Super atmospheric. It's extremely cool that you went from 2D last year to 3D this year. I'm very jealous of those skills . Very cool entry.
On another note, the Game Jam is lucky to have you. There aren't many people who have made the effort you have to go through and comment on all of the games. It such a nice thing to do. It makes the game jam worth it when people are leaving you feedback, so thank you. You are awesome.
So first time I played this I completed it by luck! But after watching Kyle play it and seeing chat explain it to him it all made senses. It's a very cool idea to make a game based on a riddle. It get my mind going with ideas. Also the intro is sick. The images in GB style, it's like something from a dream. Well done on your entry.
P.S. Also, it's super kind of you to comment on so many games. You're always so nice and fine the best in everyone's work. I don't think anyone else has put in as much effort as you have in terms of feedback. The Jam is lucky to have you here!
Hey people. I have a question about this rule.
It says in the rules: "You must not retcon the wildly unpopular twist. There are No Giant Robots in the Steel Love universe."
Does this mean the only thing we cannot retcon is "there are no giant robots in the steel love universe"? For example, do Singuliera and Averagmus/Gigantimus have to stay split up? (This isn't my plan) But if they were to say, get back together under a deal that Averagmus would wear the giant suit sometimes, would this count as a retcon?
I can't believe the effort you put into these puzzles! They are top notch. You really need to sit and work them out. I think the way you implemented the rules into a text game was also really well done. I don't know why but I really like the vibes it gives off when you reach the end and DSD room is there. It's a cool idea.
The soundtrack to this is banging! It's really awesome. I'm so jealous, I've tried to get a chiptune sound before but with no success. I completed the game, but couldn't beat DSD! I might go back now that I have played the other games and see if I can beat him. I found the game genuinely fun with some cool level design.
I have one piece of constructive criticism, that I hope doesn't annoy you! But I think if Scratch killed normal enemies in one hit when he was at full ego, it would make the player feel super powerful and really push you to reach max ego and not want to loose it. I hope you don't mind me saying. I think I have some issues with enemy HP in my game too! I found it hard to get a good balance.
Overall it's a cool game, it was the first one I played in the Jam and it stuck with me!
I feel your pain for the way Kyle played your game on stream! But his commentary was super funny and made the the whole thing fun to watch. I played it more legit and thought it was really fun. It's nice being really powerful. I tried out all the cards and actually thought the one that slowed enemies down was super strong! The pixel art is super sweet.
I'm not sure if you wrote the music? But I legit woke up this morning with the overworld theme stuck in my head. The style of this game is just so cool. I don't think many games that aim for a PS1 vibe pull it off as well as you do here. I think sometimes they maybe go to far to the point where it just doesn't look that nice, but yours looks beautiful. You should be proud of the world you've built here.
I absolutely love the style and animation for this game. I'd love to see you continue to work on this, I'd love to see a world with your art style. Awesome job. I really like the monster following you and being your tool for fighting and platforming. It's very cool. I know if I was to try this it would have probably taken me the whole month to just to get that working!
Hi there, I had a couple of people asking if there was a way to listen to the soundtrack for my game. I wrote and recorded these songs myself and I'm pretty pleased with them. I'm probably going to reuse the "Trial of Izil" in Dawn of Dawn because it might be the best song I've ever written! I record my songs just using a mini synth, an acoustic guitar and an 8 track. I've uploaded it to YouTube. You can listen here:
Making the game.
For anyone who is interested I thought I'd talk a little about the making of the game. Here are some random bullet points:
- "In Greek mythology, a little owl traditionally represents or accompanies Athena, the virgin goddess of wisdom, or Minerva, her syncretic incarnation in Roman mythology." This is where the name for the game and Izil's power came from.
- "Using her gift of strategic inspiration, she implanted the idea of the Trojan horse into the mind of Ulysses, who then directed the creation of the famous gift. Virgil called it “Minerva’s gift of death.”" This mythology is what inspired Izil's special move and is why I decided to name his Dad Ulysses.
- The name of their ship "The Ra" is a reference Egyptian god of the sun. This was actually a mistake at first, I meant to name the ship after Horus, the god of the sky (who has an owl head) but I ended up liking the name "The Ra" so I left it as it was.
- So basically I just googled "owl Mythology" >_<
- I always planned for the Dad to die at the end. It is why Izil trips in the very first scene. I wanted to come up with a strong reason for him having a "low ego" for Bruised Ego's. From the start I had the final scene planned out in my head, I wasn't sure if my animation skills would be up to job of pulling it off, but it turned out pretty close to how I imagined.
- I wanted to have a visual change in Izil by the end of the game, which is why he doesn't use the knife/sword he has in the concept art. Instead at the end he is holding his fathers broken sword, which in my interpretation would go on to be his weapon for Bruised Egos. Obviously he gets his "uncool" bandanna from his dad at the end. Just me trying to give the bandana some sentimental value.
- My original idea was to for the game to be more of a tower defense game, where Izil would build turrets and other defenses to protect The Ra. However I realised that if I wanted to focus on story I'd need to make the gameplay more simple (especially as it took me the full first week to draw, animate and program just Izil.
- I don't often get to watch Kyles streams live, I usually watch the VODs on YouTube, even then I don't have the time to watch full videos. So this was the first time I had heard of Dark Schippie Dues. I'm not sure if there is previous lore for him. I saw some people in chat saying that my version of him was a drastic lore shift! I just wanted to go a bit crazy with it. I figured the phase 1 fight would be generic in terms of using the concept art. I didn't even give him arms, which is why he only kicks. So I wanted to go over the top in phase 2 and 3. Fun fact, his weird body and arms are hidden under his top in phase 1. In some animations you can see the gloopy drips under his top.
What's Next from me.
I'm going to fix the glitches in the game. I'm going to make a chapter select. I'm going to make an easy mode for the final level.
After that I'm really trying to convince myself to leave it at that. I'm way too tempted to make a mode called "Dark Schippie Trials" where you fight the other characters from Bruised Ego's in the Court of Dark Schippie Dues. Just because I love the characters chat and Kyle designed, I'd love to bring them all to life in some way. I'd love a shot at animating them. However, I think the amount of people who would actually play this would be pretty small for the time investment. I should really get stuck back into Dawn of Don. For anyone reading this who doesn't know, I'm currently working on an Easy Allies fan game called Dawn of Don. I only have Brandon's, Brad's and Damiani's biomes to finish. So I really want to push to the end of that. If anyone is interested I'll post the trailer below. Unfortunately for me, I learned a lot about animating during this game jam, so I want to go back and make Don's (and enemies) animations smoother and more "cool" looking. I've also already added more detail to the levels so my current version already looks better than this trailer. But it's here for anyone interested.
Finally thank you to all the kind and awesome messages about Minerva's Lost. I put my heart and soul into it and this community's reaction to it has made the whole thing worth it. So thanks again. You are awesome.
(Sorry if this is a bit of a self indulgent post. I don't get to talk to many people about my stuff other than my long suffering fiancée!)
Thanks for the feedback! I'll look into those glitches. I knew about the shooting one >.< you can actually shoot in every cut scene but I'll be able to fix it. I'm going to add a chapter select as well. I'll probably tweak the last level a bit too! I hope you enjoyed it despite its problems! Thanks for playing :)