First of all, thank you for adding graphics settings! My poor little laptop CPU can’t handle UE games at their highest settings, so a chance to actually play the game is very much appreciated! :)
This is actually one of the ideas we brainstormed when the theme was announced, but quickly discarded it since we lacked both the skill and the time to implement this in a fun way, so when I saw the premise, I knew I had to try if someone else managed to make it work.
And hey, it works better than I expected! I don’t play a lot of 3D games since I can’t really handle the camera movement very well, which was also the case here, and being the camera myself certainly didn’t make that easier, but I did get (sort of) used to it after a while. Still very fiddly, but also kind of fun. Big props for managing to implement this!
Theming-wise, since the controls are so fiddly, I think I’d prefer this to go into a more whimsical direction. I don’t think you can really get suspenseful high-octane gameplay to work here, but watching a somewhat inept rookie agent stumble through an obstacle course might be a lot of fun!
Overall though, considering this was done in 48 h, amazing job. Well done!