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Bottom Up Games

A member registered Mar 08, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thank you very much! We wanted players to get used to the controls themselves, but we know that's not for everyone. Thanks for persevering! I'm glad you liked our graphic style :) . You're right for the insta-death. (still the 48-hour excuse )

Thanks for your comment and for playtesting our game for us ;) We certainly didn't had the time to fix everything. We've finetuned the controls now so hopefully, this kind of problems don't exist anymore.

Yeah, for the speed run, we wanted to add a timer but missed some time to do it. We added it in version 2.0! And you're right for the menu, we fixed it now as well. Sorry for the troubles, it was our first time managing menus. Thanks for your feedback !

waw, thanks a lot!

Thanks for your feedback ! Glad you enjoyed it despite some troubles ;)

Nice game and quite a clever take on the "snake" theme ! Finding this lab rat context works really well. It makes you feel trapped and every time a rat dies it makes your heart ache a little.

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Cool game! I thought the idea was really original and well finished. The controls are a bit stiff but, after all, you're playing a sword ;) !  The addition of the ragdolls made me laugh a lot. Really well done !
ps. No lag for me ! 

I liked that you didn't just reverse the original game mode but also added a little twist with the "suspended" aliens. It increased the challenge but also my enjoyment ! Great job ! 

Wow, Nice visuals and a fun experience, It would be great to see a few other levels! Maybe with an overcooked style of map wandering around with a cat and having a star system ? Great submission !

This gameplay is refreshing. There's no pressure, and you're left to enjoy the ride to the end. I tried bringing an unexpected character into the scene to see if there was a reaction from the other protagonists. I'm glad to have seen what it could have given in act 2. Top Notch for voice acting. Great work !

Haha, the graphic settings were the first thing we implemented in the project. I'm glad it worked.
We spent a lot of time studying this basic concept and making sure it was possible to find a gameplay loop. I'm not going to lie, it was a real challenge! We also had so many other ideas around this concept that we didn't have time to realize... Like a sidescroller mode or, as you suggest, giving the character a personality and making it a bit more fun with physics. That's for a hypothetical future update.
Thanks for your comments, and I'm glad to have turned your idea into reality (apparently in a good way!).

Nice game! The controls respond perfectly and I like the fact that you can play with a gamepad controller. I also like the cute little character. I had a lot of fun, thank you!

Yes, in this version, the falling part comes a bit from nowhere. We're working on it for the polished version. With some camera shake and a few differences in the music, it works better. Glad you enjoyed it

Yes, it's a game that requires a bit of commitment at first. It's not the best characteristic for a game jam, but we couldn't really predict how it would turn out before we did it ;) Thanks for playing, it means a lot to us.

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Wow, I'm quite impressed here! I liked how you thought of everything at the same time and that every point was really finely tuned: music, dialogue, visuals ... I had a good laugh with the music when you loose and the mini-game between levels.  Like others, I just had a few problems with the dialogue selection and the restart button not working. Would have love to have more gameplay aswell but When a game is this well finished, you obviously want more... and then you remember that 48 hours is a really short time ;). I don't usually say that, but hats off to you! 

I didn't understand how to finish the game and then, I saw the comments ;). Just wanted to say that even if there's some bug, I really liked your game/demo : the simplicity of color, shapes and animation is well polished, especially if it's your first game jam! Well done, I mean it !

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I really like your game mecanics and the visuals, its so coherent ! Unfortunately, the game crashed 5 times and I was not able to end the second level.
I also didn't quite understand the voices so some subtiles would be appreciated ! Would like to give it a second try if you ever rework it cause it seems really well thought. Really good job for 48 hours :) 

Hey, I also found the spam hack ;) I liked the general art style! Everything comes well together : music, visuals and gameplay. Would have been nice to have a little more gameplay but as it was simple, I found myself playing a few games in a row

Thanks for your feedback, glad you liked it! 

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Haha, Thanks for the review ! For the stopping of the ragdoll, we wanted to have a free camera and moving the doll only when the camera is close enough...   I agree it was not well polished. I'm sorry that you had some issues but, yeah, in 48 hours that was the maximum we could manage ;) . We're already working on fixing it ! Glad you enjoyed it ! 

It's a fun arcade game with retro graphics. My first thought was the Pac-Man ghost mechanic ! The fact that we start on a eating phase makes us feel at ease... right in time for the chase ! Well done ! 

I really like the ambiance you created for your game ! It would have been nice to feel a bit of the narrative reversal in the gameplay/puzzle mechanics. Overall a nice experience and it is really impressive for a solo submission ! It's responsive, cute and the puzzle are well made,  good job !  

First of all, great work ! I find the visuals particularly endearing and it is a really sweet concept. On the gameplay side, I think the tower has to much life points and reduces the sense of stress you would have as the last tower standing. Maybe a little camera shake or an effect to emphasize the danger of a slime passing through would do wonders ! 

Best of luck ! 

It's a well executed concept with a clear visual langage. I had loads of fun trying to avoid the previously placed traps. Well done ! 

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Thank you! We had definitely planned more levels: playing more with the top view, side scrolling...  But in 48 hours, that was a bit ambitious. We're in the process of sorting out the bugs first, and why not add more level

Thanks a lot ! We didn't have a lot of time to add some textures. Because of that, going for a  simple look seemed like a good idea.  Glad you liked it ! 

That was creative ! I really like your take on the theme here. Sure the part where the person is walking around the house is a bit long but in 48h, the rest is still impressive ! Plus the overall art was nice and fitted your idea well :) 

that was fun and creative, good job! :) 

that was fun and creative, good job! :) 

cool game ! That was really creative and funnier than what I expected for a typing game.  I'm not a fan of the artistic style but I'm quibbling a bit ;) Can't wait to see what you will create next year 

Really polished game and the concept works pretty well too. You hooked me with it :) 
I've founded the way to stay alive an infinite time so if there is one only change to do :  score with the distance instead of the time. :)

Hey! Of course the gameplay is a bit limited for now but glad you choose this theme for the game, It was really cute. I also like your style : music and overall visuals ! :) I'm interested if you ever take the concept further

In the caterory "control inversed", I liked your idea ! It was hard at first but quickly became easier. Moving the robot was really funny and the music complemented well your game :) Congrats!

ok, that was clever and funny ! Good job, I was hooked !

That's a really smart puzzle game, I enjoyed it until the end. I just felt that the puzzle's difficulty didn't really increase properly, the third level was way trickier than the fourth (but maybe that's just me) ! I'm also impressed by the AI, great work !

Really fun game to play, I tried it again to do better than the first time ! The way the camera has inertia felt wierd at the beginning but I understand why you did it, when used to it, it feels way more smooth and add a small complexity to the gameplay really enjoyable ! Great idea:-D

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Thank you ! Really glad you like the concept! I see that you submited a nice game last year too. I'll definitly check your next one for the GTMK 2024.

Thanks a lot ! We spent 3 hours finding our concept, hours which we clearly missed to fine-tune the controls ;) This is clearly the first thing we're going to work on now 
 Glad you enjoyed it nevertheless ! 

Wonderful intro and outro! Extremely well polish. Top notch

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Love the concept and visuals but, damn, the controls are difficult to handle. I would have loved to give it a try with a gamepad controller .  Still smiled a lot, and I'm amazed by the quantity of assets  you made in such a short time.  Good job !