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There're not so much progress on the project. I couldn't find enough tutorials and documentation for references. Had to see the source code for the sample game made by Heaps and my brain could not handle it. Haha! So, I just scrap everything that I could understand or pretend to understand and make use of it. There's this extra tool called CastleDB which is structured static database and can be implemented into the project. It has level editor too! 

What I able to achieve for now are 8 directions character movement and some animations for the idle and walk state. All the  art and animations were done using Aseprite, which still new for me. I use mostly GraphicsGale before. For programming, Haxe language was used and  I just throw all the codes in just one file. Haha. I also tried to implement collision detection, as you can see between the player and the cactus. As they started to intersects or overlapped, the cactus destroy. I tried to make it collide like a wall, but I just don't now how. Haha. I give up.