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Are there any high res texture packs for this game? I usually only play in 4k and 1080p stuff looks pretty bad. Thanks for any information.

If there are none the dev might look into using Ai upscaling to create one. 

I bought the game. I did ask for a key on Steam just for review purposes. 

Ok. Ciao.

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It's all videos so the game will eventually get pretty huge like my other game. I will look into that though. I will try some video exports to see how much bigger it gets. I will try upsampling too but usually it comes out kinda blurry. I will try though. On steam the file size doesn’t really matter.


I tried upscaling some videos and I don't see the difference between just maximizing the game. It makes the files 3 times bigger. Probably the only way to get it to change anything would be to re-export all videos. I tried that too and my software coughed at me and just didn't do it. I have pretty decent hardware too.

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OK thanks for looking into my question which mainly was focused on the models mainly. 

It's just some of the characters seem like they could use a little more love in the fidelity department. Some characters look crisp and nice and others just meh. Washed out a little. 

It could be the coloring or something of certain characters that is making things look "odd". Consistency in appearance might be what I am trying to refer to. I tried changing my color settings in Windows and my monitor but that didn't help much. I was able to darken things a little which toned some of that high contrast looking color down.  

I know it's a lot of hard work making games so don't think I am bashing your work. What is there is fine and gets better over time.  

I think I played all the present content through and then it abruptly ended just after the campfire scene. 

I am new to visual novels because I am just not that patient to go through walls of text and some are just boring or too complex for being a visual novel.

I'll continue my ventures after I start the newer version. The game seems to run fine overall. I think I had a couple freezes but that was it. That could be because I am running the games off my extra spindle hard drive. It sleeps after a certain time if not used. None-the-less I'll report any issues I might have. 

Thanks again for your time. Ciao.

My hardware is 13700k and 4090.

I'll give another donation also as soon as I can. 

Yes I am always trying to get the best lighting and some of the renderings I am not super happy with. Like the ones where the girls are sleeping. I want to redo that. I think I am getting better constantly. I hope to take some time in the near future to redo some of the videos. I have been a fan of visual novels for years now and most of the time they an evolutionary process. Many go thru a quality upgrade at some point. I think I am happy with most of the videos in Elseworld with exception of a few. So hopefully I only need to go back to fix a few things. 

The continuation of the hunt is almost finished. It will be out probably this weekend. 

The game shouldn’t freeze with that kind of hardware. 

The opening scene and scenes after entering the portal are well done except for suggestions below.

I can't wait for the next part after getting captured. I played through again and no issues except the high contrast in some areas of the game mainly after going through the teleport to meet Izi's sister. 

One friendly suggestion I have or request would be to see more of the mother's vagina in the opening intercourse scene. Also Luna when she first mounts my character. More vagina showing during sex in general. :-) . 

I would support your patreon if possible but my wife who is chaste (which is fine by me) can monitor my purchases. She controls the money mainly. I was able to make the two purchases here because she does not know what this site is. Small one time purchases are no issue. Steam I have to be careful as well as she can see my profile but rarely ever looks. My kids can see my Steam as well. I have blockers on theirs but still. 

Talk about walking on egg shells.

Anyway, looking forward to the next part. Ciao.

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noted :) I will keep vaginas in mind :) you may have to wait for the next next version. I am almost done with v5. Yea when you meet izi’s sister it is very blasted (the light) I will go back and fix that ( I even toned it down in code..). I have been increasing the ambient occlusion to get more realistic movies. There is also this blotchy shadow with Luna that I need to fix  

Yea steam is super popular so you have to be careful with the younglings. Luckily itch has a similar patching ability like steam. This game will start to get really big soon and it is a pain to upload 20 gigs like with my little haremz. It isn’t necessary but you might want to play my little haremz. Day one videos are a little rough until the end and part two start off way better and get really good. There are crossover events. 

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Ok. I'll keep that in mind. Little Haremz

One last thing I forgot to ask:

During the intercourse scenes is there supposed to be sound from the characters? I only hear music but no sounds from the characters like moaning and dirty talk and stuff like that.

Ok I bought Little Haremz Part 1 but can't buy part two yet. I should have just got the whole bundle since I spent that much already. Haha.

Fidelity is the main thing with visual novels. "Realistic" looking characters are best. Some of your scenes the characters look very nice. Others kind of chalky. I saw the screenshots on Steam and my game looks nothing like those. Not sure why. I am still trying to fine tune my color settings. But to no avail. Oh well. :)

all the screenshots are actual screenshots of the movies. No trickery. If it does not look like that it should. I even have to make sure their eyes are open when snapping the pictures. Maybe try playing it in windowed mode and not full screen. My monitors can run at a high resolution but I run them at like half of what they can do so I don’t have to scale text. Maybe that might help? By the way the crossover stuff happens on part two of my little Haremz but I mean you kinda should do day one to get to part two. You will probably hate the video quality in the beginning. It gets better at like the pool area. 

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Ok thanks for the tips. My gaming monitor is a 1440p/4k - 260hz/144hz display. It even supports above that natively. I am playing at 4176 x 2349. 

Your screenshots appear to have much more fidelity than what I see on my screen. I am not sure what is going on. It's no problem. I'll just try to keep playing with my color setting or something. I don't think scaling is the issue as I am only on a 32" monitor. 

Peace. Ciao. :)

I left a message on the Haremz page also.

Here is a couple screenshots from EW for you to see. I had to convert from png to jpg. 

I think that is the problem. Try running at half the resolution and zero text scaling just to see what it looks like. It is trying to scale it up to 4176 from 1920. My monitor runs at 2560 even though it could run at 5120. It only scales like +33% and looks good. Yours is doing +110%. I will try it at 5120 to see what it looks like.