Review Summary
[ + + + - - ] :: ENJOYMENT
[ + + + + - ] :: CREATIVITY
[ + + + - - ] :: PRESENTATION
It's a real brain-teaser! I wasn't able to get past the third reversal. I'd love to see a youtube video of the gameplay. Great graphics, just wish there were sound. Clever idea randomizing the keys the way you did. That must have taken a lot of planning and effort.
Rubric / How I Measure The Score
[ + - - - - ] 1 - Missing
[ + + - - - ] 2 - Somewhat Present
[ + + + - - ] 3 - Present
[ + + + + - ] 4 - Well Done
[ + + + + + ] 5 - Outstanding
Detailed Review
[ + + + - - ] :: ENJOYMENT
It wasn't my cuppa, but I've seen that other people had fun with it! I wish that there were an on-screen keyboard layout to help my fingers guess where the right buttons were. That probably would have helped me a lot!
[ + + + + -] :: CREATIVITY
Clever idea to randomize the keys! I felt like there could have been some more depth to the game, but it was a very solid concept which I think has plenty of room for growth!
[ + + + - - ] :: PRESENTATION
Really wished there were music and sound (was there? I've been having audio issues. Let me know if I missed it). Still, you did an amazing job with the graphics and animations! I would generally give 2 stars for the partial presentation, but I give it 3 for good visuals.