Wow, amazing game! The pixel art is very nice and goes well with the audio! It'd be nice to see it continued, with more diversity (more shapes at different speeds)! Though when you start the game, the - Click to play - text really breaks the immersion. The graphics are super well themed and retro and the color pallette changer is really nice, just like an original GameBoy. But when you die it has a terrible transition, it would be nice to see it refresh the screen from top to down and no just switch so fast. For a 48-hour game and a first game, it really exceeded my expectation! Good luck on your GameDev journey! This was the best game I saw for now!
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thanks for the very in depth feedback. :D
I wanted to add different speeds aswell but I was worried that there might come a time when the speed of one group of tetrerios may end up trapping and killing you with you being able to do nothing.
Also, what did you mean that the "click to play" text broke the immersion? cuz I'm kinda confused there :/
and finally, ye the transition was bad ngl, I just had no isea how to make it better in time :(