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thankies, I only hope the game is ultimately good in the end c:

and yeah I wans't too sure about it, but i figured it'd be nice just to give people the ability to comapre and contrast between the demos to see my progress, jsut as a nice treat c: Ilike being honest about myself and my work and feel editing and deleting stuff is 'hiding' things from people .3. i'm weird and autistic, you see.

also hope you're enjoying the story and characters thus far c:

Oh, in that case you could do something like labelling the versions?
0.1, 0.2, etc, until you consider the game finished.
Itch lets you put multiple files for a single game, and as long as the individual files are below 1 gig, I don't THINK there is a limit...maybe?

And yes, very much so enjoying the writing :3 


okies I'll see what I can do c: