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Misfit Games

A member registered Sep 20, 2019 · View creator page →

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Oops! "How did you sleep, Lily?" Lily asked.
Maybe the developer could introduce an update to change her name too?
Shouldn't be too hard.

Yes, sorry to bother you.

It is because I was using an older version of RPG Maker.
This was in 1.0.1 and it occurs up until 1.1.1 before fully working in 1.2.1

What was changed to make that specific part of the plugin work, I have no idea, but that's all the information I have.

I do have EliMZ_Book and EliMZ_SkillCost for my RPG Maker MZ project.
But uh-update on testing: I considered the possibility that I should use a more up-to-date version of MZ so I loaded the project on my Steam copy and it works?? Why everything EXCEPT the HPCost tag works is beyond me, though.

As for pressing F8/12, itch is not letting me respond with the picture, so I hyperlinked it instead.

(2 edits)

str.replaceAll is not a function

I get this error on booting the game specifically when using a HP cost command.
Items work fine, to confirm I didn't simply fail to install the plugin properly.
I also know I did not write the tag wrong as I copied from the Skill Cost guide <HpCost: 10%, false>

Replacing it with <ItemsCost: 4:1> consumes one of the 4th items in the database and successfully performs the skill.
Same with <GoldCost: 1> consuming a single gold coin.
What did I do wrong?

Oh, in that case you could do something like labelling the versions?
0.1, 0.2, etc, until you consider the game finished.
Itch lets you put multiple files for a single game, and as long as the individual files are below 1 gig, I don't THINK there is a limit...maybe?

And yes, very much so enjoying the writing :3 

It's fine, and yes I did notice at least a couple of these issues were resolved by the second version (By the way, you can replace the file instead of making a new game page) like the fact party members were actually in the castle to re-add to the party. 

The main reason for allowing backtracking is in case players wants to go back to check for treasure they overlooked.
But don't worry about it too much, I believe in you and just want to help you catch any oversights, it happens :) 

There's potential here...but there's a lot of things in need of fixing.

Main complaints:

  • You need to spell check...pretty much the whole game.
  • Assumes the player follows the path you would. (Can go left right off the bat instead of going right for the story)
  • Unable to backtrack for no discernible reason.
  • The boss fights have issues (1st refuses to let you lose 2nd will run out of MP almost immediately and then softlock you with endless paralysis and 3rd just spams lightning that silences you)
  • Your party members vanish when you reach the castle and maybe I'm stupid but I don't understand how to get them back?

There is a more detailed list in the ratings.

That's wonderful to hear!
Thank you for playing.

(1 edit)

You can change the controls in the options menu, the default is definitely not advised.

Resolution in RPG Maker is a difficult thing as it will always zoom out everything, make it too high and you'll have tiny text in massive text boxes and your characters will be very small in a map that feels far too big for them (Alternatively if the map is too small, you can tell the map wasn't made with the view in mind)

You are correct that everything was made with royalty free assets from RPG Maker (VX and MV) or other content creators who allow their material to be used for free if credited.
With all that said, we're sorry you feel the product was lackluster and hope to do better in future titles.

We're unsure if you ever came back but the next version has been released which also fixes the issue.

You can transfer your save by copy pasting the save folder found in the www folder of the game files.
Hope this helps.

This was indeed overlooked...although I can't think of an alternative and it doesn't seem THAT important so it should be fine, r-right?

Yup, the doors and the rooms are on the same map.
The floors are separate maps.
Making the rooms separate maps would fix the issue but alternatively making the doors close after you go through works too. (The latter was chosen)

Odd, it didn't use to do that...

Are you possibly talking about the door itself not being there for you to walk back into the room?
If you leave a map then the doors reset but yes, this should be addressed.

(1 edit)

...So there is!
Thank you for pointing that out.

Until the next update, enjoy your infinite potion supply!

(1 edit)

Yes, this is our bad!
We were changing it so you had to examine one side first but made a mistake and ended up with both sides having the same logic.
We've posted an update that should remedy any existing issues.

Thank you for reporting this. 

You could argue that pictures and videos are what hyperlinks are for.
Linking to a YouTube video is convenient enough for a comment and if for whatever reason it fails to post properly, you don't have the frustration of re-uploading said video.
As for photos...there are various sites folk use for storing them.

So the game stays stuck on a black screen and refuses to proceed?
Strange, this is the first reporting of it yet you say other games work fine so it may not be your machine.

Can you think of any settings you may have enabled which is supposed to change how your machine works?
Examples of things that can cause unexpected issues are: poorly installed drivers or OS updates, forced Anti-Aliasing effects from the graphics driver's settings (A personal anecdote is the browser would black over any tabs the mouse was hovered over.) or RAM (Or other hardware) capacity being exceeded beyond capacity / their operable temperature range.

Can you specify what is happening?
What error message shows up? (If any)