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Those are bisexual girls for sure because normal straight girls like me want nothing to do with that shit tbh

and it may be because of the area which you live in

i did once kiss a girl when i was i think 9 at the time. there were no boys so we became desperate and that was it. i never did it again

more women are uncomfortable doing it unless its a baby kiss

a baby kiss is basically how we would kiss our parents 

and the kiss is LOVE, not LUST

because kissing a girl just to get a boy horny?! HELL NO

FUCK NO😭and the whole LGBTQ thing is mostly famous in the US and that's why you will find a number of those girls

but then there are girls like me who are actually way more than that and would never do that 

i see most guys get pretty upset when they are sexualized by other guys

its pretty much the same as us really. ig what confuses most guys is when we hug or stay close to each other and since they sexualize us a lot...they tend to think weird stuff in a situation like that but for normal girls, its disgusting


I see a lot of projection and assumptions there. No, the girls were not bisexual. No, it's not due to the area, and the area wasn't the states. No, it wasn't just a hug.

You're also wrong when you compare it to guys.  Both men and women are far more likely to accept physical contact with a woman and reject it with a man. There's even studies about that.

In short, don't try to force your ideas on others, or to act as if everyone is like you. There's plenty of girls who kissed a girl, deal with it.


first of all i might as well start watching gay porn and making gay games and forcing it down every player's throat because i don't like seeing pussy if that's how you wanna be

oh and fuck you for sexualizing women so much to the point where you would accept this disgusting and delusional HOMOSEXUAL ways. And guess what? studies show that there is a gene that makes women attracted to men and men attracted to women

but there is no gene that shows that men are attracted to men and women to women

so when you tell me that there is a difference between men and women's feelings towards this...then where the fuck are you getting your studies from????

another study shows that there are more heterosexual women in the world than lesbian women

and that there are more heterosexual men than gay men in the world


so don't tell me that women are more likely to be gay because there is no proof of that 

i won't deal with being forced to accept shit i dont want to accept

ifa dev is making a game, FUTA, GAY, LESBIAN, NTR etc...ALL KINKS SHOULD BE AVOIDABLE!! PERIOD! 

like OMG men like you piss me off so much😫😭


Reading is not your strong suit, hm? I can give you a source, but if you didn't manage to comprehend the tiny excerpt I gave you, it won't do you much good.

Now, how about you show the sources for your claims, because some of them are quite questionable. 

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And since your dumbass is too stupid to define what homosexuality is...let me break it down to you



You should look up the actual definition. It's about attraction, not acts. Not so much what you do, but what arouses you. A calculating move to lure a guy does not make a woman bi.

And by your broken logic, just showing you a yuri  pic makes you a lesbian. Yeah, no wonder you're tripping in all caps.

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I never knew people like you existed💀💀💀💀💀💀i literally can't believe it

so you're telling me that a guy "GETTING AROUSED" by another guy still makes him straight?

or a woman getting aroused by another woman makes her straight??

so having sex with another person of the same sex still makes you straight?

do you even know what sexual means? to be sexual? THE TERM IS IN THE WORD!


you completely ignored logic because your small penis is controlling your mind

you should be ashamed OMG

you should really be embarrassed rn

and I legit HATE weak men who tend to think with their dicks

you have no strength but always wanna sexualize us and i personally blame porn

there are no women anymore in men's eyes😭you guys just made us toys you can play with

it hurts...but i swear you guys are gonna get what's coming to you

karma is a bitch


No, I said the complete opposite. Are you not able to read?

Arousal and attraction define sexuality. If a woman is aroused and attracted by women, she's lesbian or bi. If a man is aroused and attracted by men, he's gay or bi.

At the same time, putting on a show does not make those women lesbian. And you seeing a yuri image does not make you lesbian, unless  it arouses you.

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it's like i'm educating a child here

so men can kiss each other to get a woman going and still be straight?? and don't tell me that it's only women who can kiss because that would mean you're completely ignoring all factors. It also shows a huge amount of hypocrisy.

I feel sorry for your mom

i really do

The problem here is "Not being able to control your dick as a man"

when that starts to happen. you tend to find many ways to defend lesbian relationships because apparently you have no shame and you think of us women as objects to play with

and that's why i'm with feminists sometimes....its because people like you exist just to make us angry

you and other brainwashed women do's crazy

if i met you in real life, i swear to god i would spit on you

hit me if you want but i will legit spit on you because WHAT THE FUCK

the world has few REAL MEN now


"its like I'm educating a child here"

That's my line. 

Also, you keep going on about "objectifying us women", but why do you say "us"? Nobody is objectifying you. Nobody is telling you to kiss girls. And nobody is forcing you to visit the page of a male-oriented porn game when it is obviously not something you can handle. So why do you? Masochism?

Let me tell you about real men, since you brought it up. Real men who see you acting like this will realize that you're not someone they want to be with, and proceed to look for a real woman. Someone with grace who can keep her calm and communicate rationally and respectfully without calling names or going off the rails. They're looking for a loving partner in life , not a hysteric ball of spitefulness that makes everything about herself.


listen here baby boy

the argument i stated earlier of a GENE found in both male and female state that it makes men attracted to women and women attracted to men

BUT there is NO GENE that states that women can be attracted to women and men to men

you still ever answered that one.

2.) I stated that if a man?/woman kisses another man/woman to get him/her "Going"....does that not make them gay/lesb? I asked because you said that being HOMOSEXUAL meant "ATTRACTION" and not "SEXUAL ACTS"

then i told you a fact about the word HOMOSEXUAL itself! and that the term "SEXUAL" is LITERALLY in the word. you completely ignored that fact.

3.) When you say "Real men"...are you talking about the fact that you will care, provide, protect me...or are you talking about being your bitch that will be gay just to get you going...EWWWW, YOU DISGUST ME! Porn ruined your life and that's a fact.

4.) And about this being a male oriented porn game...It makes you look STUPID because there are FAR more heterosexual relationships in the world. meaning that there are FAR MORE "REAL MEN" who know how to treat women and not make them Fuck because he wants to get horny

but i have to you support LGBTQ? because it sure seems like it

You are actually inspiring me to start making my own games. STRAIGHT ONLY GAMES. Because I am sick and DISGUSTED by this AGENDA which men of today are bringing. 

I hope in your later years you will find peace and loving woman

not a bitch. don't take porn as a reality, baby boy


Dear, I've been patient enough with you. Facts and logic are obviously lost on you, as is the english language. 

Here's a fact: You are playing a game where you take the role of a man and have sex with other women. You were fine eith that. What got you all angry was that one of the girls got kissed by another girl. 

You've been acting out a lesbian trans fantasy, and your rage is more indicative of jealousy than actual offense.

Have a nice life with your cats.


see, friend when you begin talking about a "male-oriented" game, it defeats the whole argument because there are 80% of men like myself who do not tolerate the LGBTQ+ community. And seeing a woman performing with another woman is simply lesbian and without a doubt, disgusting if you look at it differently. I as a straight and normal man, I actually reject such acts because they are homosexual.  Unless if you support the LGBTQ+ community then that's fine. But if you don't support it but still watch Lesbian sex, then it's what we call "Hypocrisy".

If it was up to me as a developer, I would make all of this avoidable. That's even if I put the LGBTQ+ in the game, which is a 99.999% chance I will not.  So, yes it's not "male-oriented", it's simply LGBTQ+. 


If you really think 80% of men would not want a threesome with two women, you are sorely mistaken. 

And I find it interesting that the driving force behind your stance is fear of hypocrisy and rejecting the entire concept as wrong, to the point where you have to "look at it differently" to see it as disgusting. 

You see, your entire argument is based on rejecting some sort of "lgbtq community" as if it was a real thing, and not a made-up shield for activists that has nothing to do with most homosexual people. That's politics, not human nature. Your perceived duty to be intolerant to a destructive political movement has nothing to do with the way human attraction actually works. 

I am talking about the reality of sex, you are trying to counter by talking about ideology and prescriptive morals. That's not going to work.


The problem is actually the way a man or woman is raised, Kelly. You can teach a man that LGBTQ+ is okay and he will grow up believing it. You can teach him it's wrong but influence will teach him otherwise so that's the case with a number of men. I can recommend a few games which are straight because I myself search often for them but they are certainly hard to find either because there is an NTR or cheating kink and it just makes the game bad. I do not masturbate to these games, I play them for the sake of a good story and Romance basically.  That's one reason I play AVNs. I also play for inspiration. But the whole LGBTQ+ in games became popular because of the "Influence" I mentioned earlier. I can help you though or we can work together.



i already know about nephilim, the falling reloaded, the hot sand of antartica and im forgetting a few

but yeah at least the world isnt completely fucked to say the least

i just want all devs to make ALL KINKS optional

but you said you wanna work together...what do you mean?

im curious now👀

I'm working on a project and asked people on discord to help me with them so I wouldn't mind ideas. text me your discord if you have it and I'll let you in on the details.


Haha, I see what you're doing now. Good luck with that.