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Brilliant! I definitely think this should at least make the top 100. Considering the game was nearly perfect, I hope you don't mind if I nitpick a couple of things.

I feel as though the hitbox was a bit unforgiving when the ball was above the pin. It seems the hitbox encapsulates the entire pin or at least most of it as opposed to, say, the bottom 10% or so. I think the latter would feel more appropriate given the 2.5D style. It would also lead to more satisfying dodges. 

Another tiny thing was that there were multiple occasions where bowling balls were obscured by the score. Perhaps you could make the score slightly translucent, at least when a ball is behind it?

Overall, this is a 5/5


Heyo, sincerely grateful for those words! Getting to the top 100 is what we are aiming for! You're awesome! And yes, go ahead and nitpick - that's how we get better. Hitbox and score display, got it! Thanks a million for playing and loving our game. Cheers