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Nice interpretation on the theme! I like the idea and the story, and presentation with simple cute graphics is very nice. The gameplay is not very deep, and dragon has a lot of inertia and is hard to control, but maybe it's intentional. Also bombs taking up all space just locks your movement very fast, it's an intereting mechanic, but maybe the amount of bombs can be tweaked. Difficulty curve is too steep to my taste, it gives you a handful of knights to train in the beginning, then about 20 seconds of mastering and then it goes crazy mode, it seems too fast to me. That said, you did a great job of making a cute and enjoyable game this jam! 

Thank you for the feedback! About the difficulty curve It starts spawning more knights at 60 seconda but as they ere just stacking or something and It becomes way more hard. And yes the movement was intentional. Im glad you liked It a parte from that and you took the effort to write that review 🥰 Ty again