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A member registered Jun 11, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks! I actually planned to make several missions to slowly introduce features, story and difficulty, but didn't have enough time. Renaming "day 1" to "training" was a last minute change :)  I'm glad you liked it!

Who need gravity when we have this?!

It probably need some objectives, even collectibles to unlock some doors would be nice. Aside from that, the mechanics, movement, colors and style - everything is very fun. Liked that!

This is a very good game. Easy to pick up, interesting to investigate, balanced in difficulty, nice graphics and sound, and everything works together. Quite unusual concept, though I had no trouble in getting it. I really enjoyed figuring this game out, and final chime is a great reward for winning! Congrats on such a cool release!

Very nice. I always like simple rulesets from which complex stuff emerges. Like one glitch button - that is used to warp through obstacles, kill enemies, can be combined with jump and side movement. That's great. Also the detail in visuals, sounds, even tutorial tips are animated - makes new player catch the game in no time!

Cool! Very intense gameplay!

I like the variety of being able to throw stuff along with melee attack. Also town zone in the beginning is very nice. Being able to just walk around, test attack and throw speeds, look at enemies and talk to villagers before the fight really adds to the game and makes it easier to pick up for a new player. Great job, congrats on the release!

Nice game, I enjoyed that!

I don't quite understand how I only get 2 options: die to doppelganger during interrogation, or win saying it wasn't doppelganger at all. Also there's a long branch of dialogue about cookies, with no options, that makes suspect angry and kills you, it's like a dead end you can't save. It's alright for a jam game though, It's hard to playtest everything in a short time. 

I like how simple game looks and plays and at the same time how deep you fall in the atmosphere and context it creates. I was actually afraid to annoy the suspect after just several lines of text. Great job!

Great idea, perfect hit for the theme! 

I would appreciate a more developed and infomative UI with cues on "what might happen to the signal if I press here", along with some tutorial showcasing how spikes and beats emerge from interference and how it can be used to process signals. But I get it's hard to make in a short time. 

Probably best idea I've seen this jam. Congrats on the release!

I had some features in mind, but had no time to implement it. Thanks for the comment!

Thanks a lot!

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed!

Thanks! I'm glad you appreciated the visuals, I spent quite some time on it :)

After some testing I was happy with "call all" / "invite all" system. It creates interesting situations when you have to guess, risk, or just shoot everyone for safety,  as opposed to boring "check one plane -> go to next". It takes time to understand all possibilities though.

This is just so beautiful...

Thank you! I think I spent too much time on visuals instead of testing and balancing the gampelay. I'm glad you liked the result!

Thanks! I had a lot of ideas (types of noise, inversion, amplitude of signal...), but didn't have time to implement it. I actually was busy and had like 3 days out of 14 to make the game. I'm glad you liked it!

That's the point of the game! Thanks for playing!

Maybe don't think about best experience, think about worst possible experience and how to fix it. Things that could break your game: weird aspect ratio, weird resolution, unexpected or unaccessible control scheme, too quiet/loud sound or sound at all. Make it possible for player with any keyboard/mouse, any speakers/headphones, and any monitor to play your game - then polish it further. Heavy testing and ensuring that your game handles ratio/resolution automatically would work as well. Controls must be very simple or customizable, and volume/mute settings seems mandatory. Good luck!

Well this cleaning robot could be a temporary upgrade after Blocku gets a special item on the map (just like upgrades in runner games like subway serfer, etc.)

Also, my latest thoughts says you could make an experiment with time delay between click and placing a block. Right now you can hold mouse click in front of Blocku and make him never fall at any speed, as well as slowly moving mouse up and down in the process. Forcing player to actually draw a path in advance may be an interesting thing (but it needs testing)

This is totally possible, the code that is switching scenarios is not reliable. Normally he makes 4 laps, then proceeds to eat. I encountered bugs with skipping scenarios (sit in air before reaching park bench) and being  stuck in them forever, as well, but there was no time to fix everything. 

Thanks for your words, I'm very glad to hear that!

This game is so good, playing with several mechanics and being a smart puzzle, but having meta-irony and mocking music. I think that in the end, from gameplay perspective, there's not much about reversing roles, just being a really good puzzle with an interface-level twist. But delivering a good game, especially a puzzle that is easy to understand but challenging to solve, with well polished learning curve, in 48 hours - great job!

At first I thought that ability to collect bricks by removing them gives unfair advantage. But later I reallized that even with collecting blocks behind the player, it gets impossible to maintain enough build power at some point. Difficulty slope really gives you a room to learn first, then makes it interesting, then creates a chaotic draw-a-line puzzler clicker, that is still incredibly addictive. I appretiate how smart Blocku is to jump in time so it seems like he really plays the level, not just scrolls right along it. Great take on the jam!

Game is nice and cute! I liked the variations of "bleat", as well as overall sound design. Great!

Very creative game! I would like to see more of it, more levels and mechaincs. Art style looks incredibly appealing and fresh, liked it a lot. There is a bug when you stand too close to disabled robots, the arm can swap your head too early, that  results in you being stuck inside of previous disabled robot, and game softlocks. Also, text and math puzzles are interesting, but does not much about head-swapping, maybe you could use more classic puzzles with buttons, lifts and pushing boxes, but focus more on head-swap mechanic. Simple guiding each other through narrow bridges, enclosed corridors and timed lifts/platforms would work super well, I think. Anyway, great game for a 48 jam, thanks!

Nice little game! A good minimalistic style, picks up small features from the reality and shows them exaggerated to hilarious extent. All mechanics are simple enough to understand without extra tutorial, icons are readable, writing is exellent and fun, and possible endings are different. I managed to kill a jammer once :) though it seemed like his game was still released and rated after he died. That's funny. 

This simple idea is really cool, and presentation is great! I had to carefully read all manual in the game to understand what I need to (have a chance to) win. Different types of demons come into synergy with each other, and once you manage to build enough money income, you can spam minions and summon a big demon. It's a bit shame that you don't see the battles happening off the screen as you run away, also it makes it hard to understand which units are most valuable in these battles. Still a very strong take, balanced, polished and nice looking. Great!

Very nice and cute! Not much to do and idea is straightforward, but the game really just lets you play it, enjoy full experience without any struggle, and get the idea behind it. I had no problem with cooking whatsoever, maybe it's just me. I guess there could me more dialogues and characters, but in a short jam timing that seems perfect to get the idea done. Good submission!

Thanks! I really doubt there's something educational, I intentionally thrown away some anatomical facts as I checked them to make actual gameplay more meaningful and fun. But there's more to explore and develop in this game. I hope I find some time in the future to try it out! Thanks for your reply!

Nice little game! Fits the theme, surprises with physics and mechaincs, charms with visuals and inverted text. Gameplay is deeper than it seems at first, powering up and hitting ball at the right time, also to hit the paddle on the right side - it takes time to master, but getting a somewhat high score is so satisfying in the end. Very nice!

Nice interpretation on the theme! I like the idea and the story, and presentation with simple cute graphics is very nice. The gameplay is not very deep, and dragon has a lot of inertia and is hard to control, but maybe it's intentional. Also bombs taking up all space just locks your movement very fast, it's an intereting mechanic, but maybe the amount of bombs can be tweaked. Difficulty curve is too steep to my taste, it gives you a handful of knights to train in the beginning, then about 20 seconds of mastering and then it goes crazy mode, it seems too fast to me. That said, you did a great job of making a cute and enjoyable game this jam! 

Nice idea! Inverting bullet hell genre resulted in kind of a stategy game here. Player movement seems problematic - it seems unpredictable and uncontrollable. I managed to guide player towards my archers by placing tanks in front of him, but only for very short time. Making player less agile and adding cues and indications of how player will move in response to placing bots - would make gameplay much clearer and more fun to play. Good job for a jam though! Good luck in any your future projects

Great game! Gameplay wise, it's like a mix of tetris, breakout and doodle jump, but here it's brought to a whole new level! I like how platforms become smaller and new items are introduced to increase difficulty over time. Bright visuals and relentless music realy adds to the feel, and back story is fun as well! There could be more ideas, like, adding killing blocks and disabling ability to skip a block, so you have to build a level with what you have. Also at higher speed control seems too chaotic. Making control with mouse could be a nice experiment. 

In any case, great game!

Very cool game! I like the connection between each individual mechanic you introduce, the story behind developing and patching a broken game, and the actual gameplay in the level. You managed to resolve every new step with exactly one text message. Amazing job on cute visuals and sounds as well, game looks very nice!

This game is really good and creative! The only thing you could fix is the switch aiming. The idea, art style, music, animations - everything is impressive!

I guess the concept is interesting and promising. Observing humans do their things, and having ability to only slightly guide them towards desired destination, with more unforseen conequences - this might go far if developed further. Maybe you should have focused more on simple things a judje your priorities. Even plain 2d world with 8x8 pixel sprites for humans could deliver the idea, given you implement some mechanics on it. In any case, you created a game and showed your ideas to people, that's nice! Good luck in any your future projects!

Nice game! I like the original creative idea, the variety of tasks, and cute simple graphics. Game lacks tutorials on some tasks, which is fine for a jam game - and you totally fixed it by explaining the tasks in game description. Also there's a bug in gears puzzle - pressing W again spawns more gears, but doesn't remove old ones sometimes. Great take on the jam!

Nice game! The idea certainly has a perspective, and could be developed more if not restricted by jam time. I'm glad we see such innovative ideas this jam!

(1 edit)

Very cool idea, delivered in a funny and innovative way! I would totally enjoy more levels. Would be nice to see what happens it this game develops more after the jam. I had a great time playing it!

Also, hehehe:

The idea is very cool. There are a lot of things to improve, like ticking movement and bugs with moss burning, as well as whole set of extra blocks. I would personally prefer a smaller starting square with faster movement, just to focus more on cathing blocks in the sky and on main mechanic of completing lines from different angles. But it has a potential to be developed further in many different ways. Nice take on the theme!

This is a fun game! Character's impressions and animations are well made, and idea is creative. Game mechanics are more complex than they seem at first, you can really enjoy mastering this game. I had a good time playing it!