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Bug report fore the English version i guess:
1: untranslated part if you get the sword before you talk to the Valkyrie fore the first time:

2: then when talking whit the leader she will talk like you still have a sword and something else, i think she mean the "Wooden Club", even through i never pieced up a club so fare and the sword Brock by chopping 3 trees to get the stat boost, even if i kept the sword she koment on me having it even through it is put on the Rack in the tent before meting her:

3: then after ward she begin to say something in Russian again:

4: in the cirkle is the triger point fore a dialogue, but becose you can walk on the berry tree, you can totaly miss it by walking past it:

else i like the game quiet well so fare, through a shame that the translation still need's a bit of work, but it have been improved A LOT sins the first version i tried so glad to see improvements there.

also it is just a little thing, but i am a bit disappointed that i can't tell the Valkyries about the Big Glowing crystal to them personally considering we already saw them in the cave, when they mention that they needs magical crystals, i don't think it would be that big a leap in logic to mention that you saw some strange crystals in a cave and wondering if it ware them they needed, i would imagine that that information would help gaining there trust if you mentioned it at list.

well anyway i like it so fare and hope you will have an good week forward, and i hope my bug report is of help, and have a god night.

Thanks for the feedback, I'll fix the bugs with the update.