from what i remember the updates are released about every 2 to 3 mounts, so the nexst one shouldn't be to fare of now, and there last activity ware around January 26 something, so there is no real reason to believe it is scraped at this point.
it used to be once every month, but the Pressure got to much so it got slowed down fore Health Reasons.
i think i remember a Pool of it on there discord, but it seems to have become privated since last i ware on it so i can't check the details anymore...
Recent community posts
use and Hold down the "Rally Trumpet" skill to make them Move toward you in the most direct line they possible can.
just watch out fore the Traps on the Flore.
also have heard that if you are Spaced into Priestess, then you can heal them so they move faster, but haven't tested it myself through, a bit indecisive of what class of Weapons/Magic/Holy i want's to play whit...
i know the Police is supposed to act like Racist's in this game, but i simply can't stand that they would use the Wait 48 Hours before you can Fill an Missing Person Report, that is a FICTIONAL ting Movies invented to increase Tension whit the plot.
and if anyone in Real Life try that excuse, well it is simply Dangerous, considering the first 24 to 48 Hours are the MOST important once to find someone again Alive...
so i would have REALY liked if Alice at list tried to argue that point, because People Believing that Piece of Fiction have gotten People killed before...
sorry fore Ranting, it is just a REALY Dangerous miss information i Rather ware not being used in Media...
well as fore the Rest of the Game it Look Really interesting, and i will be looking forward to next Release, and hope we can have many interactions whit the Different Cast members, maybe ask our Potential Cousin Zafira about teaching us about our Cheered Demon History or something, (like about our Body/spirit/magic) i wouldn't be surprised if she as a Demon would know stuff about Alice that other wouldn't know about because they don't want to share all of there secret whit other Races like Humans.
and Dolly seems like she could be a Supportive Gentle Dominant is a Relationship, which is Super Rare to see in games, so i am looking forward to where that might be going.
Jasmime's first impression made me think she ware Deaf when i snuck up on her from behind which Cold have been a interesting plot point whit communication whit Body languish or Cuddles, whit Jasmime being able to Read Lips but having to communicating with Gestures and Hugs, cold have been interesting, so can't say i ware not a bit disappointed when it turned out to just be Earbuds, but i guess it will let us get to know her whit nonmale communication instead.
Lola i am a bit more on the Fence about, wile her Plot Reasoning is understandable, it is still a bit early fore me to entirely know if i like the way it is going whit her yet or not.
and Nurse Helen is a Fox hybrid, who are Omnivores, how does that one play into the Relation ship whit the Carnivores and herbivores dynamic considering the Law about preventing the Herbivores and Carnivores to have relationships whit etch other are they okey and not dangerous to the Herbivores like the Carnivores are, if they are omnivore?
also i kind of like Nurse Helen's playfulness, hope to see more of her also.
well i have ranted enof i guess, will be looking forward to next Release.
Never update an RPG Maker Game by Overwriting the OLD Version, that will more often then not Result in Bugs and double scripts to fire off, and potentially making bugs that won't exist otherwise...
so unless the Developer or Mod Creator say otherwise whit an Patch, then don't overwrite games in that way in general.
game engines like RPG Maker and Ren'Py are well known to have problem whit overwriting in that way.
a bit Late whit any Tips but Here Goes:
1: i would suggest to invest into the "Survival" Skill to increase the amount spawn of food in wilderness arias, and Wisdom fore an increase of Herbs fond as well, but you can cheat it a bit by investing in a Pair of Glasses in the Marked by the Mage Vendor, to increase your Wis stat by 5 extra.
(i have personally 15 in the "Survival" skill and get plenty of food from the wilderness, but i think i will eventually bump it up to 20 so i won't have any problems whit food when exploring less hospital arias then the Plains and Rain Forest in the future.)
1b: buying Tool's will Reduce how much Stamina you use to gadder Resources, to go to the marked and buy a Sickle fore Plant Based Harvesting and a pickaxe fore Rock's and Crystals. (sadly don't know any Tool's fore Wooden log's as of yet)
2: i would also suggest starting out securing some food by exploring ether the Coast (Beach Tiles) down south of the East Gate of the starting Town, there is Lots of Fish and Crabs you can get there to fill your belly, or better yet Cook in the Dark Cauldron to make it into Meat Stew fore 2 Meet ingredients or Good Soup if you combine 1 Meet and 1 Greenery type ingredient together.
2b: another good please to find Lots of free Food would be the Plain's Tiles (flat land whit next to none stuff on it on the map.)
one there is some easily accessible by the East Gate and over the bridge, and then down to the South near the (Rain) Forest
there you will be able to find Bunnies that will drop 2 to 6 Meet on kill, and they are quiet easy to hunt as well, just set them on Fire wit your Lantern and they will die easily enof.
and there will also be some vegetables there as well, usually, and some Bugs you can catch as well, that you can make some descent food of.
but no herbs can be fond there.
3: the Rain Forest is probably one of the Best if not The Best place to farm fore Food Early Game whit an abundance whit Food, including Banana Trees that will give you 3 Fruits fore the price of 1 Food Slot on the map, there is also Dangerous Wild Boars there so you might be better off Sneaking and just take the Vegetables/berries early one and Meed from the Plains Bunnies, but the Boars do drop A LOT of Meet (like 12-16) so if you can kill them then you will get an good yield, i usually find it best to set them on Fire, and try to have an Wall behind me and preferable also trap the boar in a place they can only attack from one Direction, that will make it easier to set it on Fire multiple Times, and yes the Fire Status Effect do Stack whit itself, but you will most likely gain some injuries from said Boar hunting, but etch injury will Heal itself etch Half Day that passes.
the one rain forest is Located by the East Gate over the Bridge and down South into the Forest by the Sea.
4: now that you have gaddered some food, be sure to interact whit an Dark Cauldron like the Cooking Pot behind the counter in the Burning Keg Inn bubbling on the Stow, or use a Log from your inventory to make your own, and use it to Place 2 Meat in it to make "Meat Stew" fore the Adventurer whit the Whip and Hat, he will be Quiet helpful fore you early game whit many of the early quests or just in the wilds.
4b: the Whip Adventurer is an Excellent Companion fore quests like the Rising Skeletons in the Graveyard (more safe if you go there in Daytime when the undead is asleep), as well as being an Big help during the Crystal Mine quest, and you can even kind of Double Dip, the crystal Mine quest by instantly Re-Entering the mine after doing the quest and look fore Crystals (they only spawn outside of the quest) to mine whit your Pickaxe that you can then use as trade items or store in the Bank or trade them in fore money, you should ONLY trade items fore money at the Bank if Possible since they have the most Fair Rate fore Coins.
4c: you can use your cauldron to cook multiple Recipe's and in Batch as long as you meet the Requirement fore the recipe, but be careful to not cock to much at once or it can knock you out by exhausting your stamina...
also some recipe's overlap somewhat so some might not be the best to blend together like if you want Good Soup, but add a log fore a Frag Barrel, then it will result in dyed Meat and Dry Meal instead of the Good Soup, through Dry Meal and Dried Meat is more valuable to sell then Good Soup, but yield less Food and Mood then what the Good Soup would have given you.
i usually try to leave the city whit at list 15 Good Soup and 1-2 Log's in the inventory fore Coking on the Road whit ingredients i find in the wilderness.
5: Lona is not a Strong Mythical Hero, but a vulnerable civilian that do her best to survive in a CRUEL world, so Strait up Fighting is usually not the Best answer early on, so instead of Strait up Fighting you should try and be Smarter sneak around Place Trap's and lure enemies away into your Ambush, Place out Explosives to Trigger whit your Rock Throw Skill at opportune times, hire Companions to help you defeat your enemies, and don't be afraid to Flee to Fight Another Day.
5b: through eventually you might become strong enof to take on the world, but that's fore lather right now at the start you will probably be better off being a bit slow and patient and Tactical instead.
sorry fore my ranting but this is some of the stuff that helped me early on to survive, and you did ask if there ware any survival tricks you ware missing so hope they are of any help.
and don't be afraid to experiment whit stuff ether.
whit Regard DreamyMilk.
got the same thing whit the undefined thing, but it is on all the diapers, so i have no idea what any of them cost.
also the White, Blue and Pink Diaper seems to be More Expensive then the more Special/bigger capacity Diapers fore some reason, usually you would believe the specialized and less commonly used Diapers would be the Expensive once, not the Basic once.
so that's probably way it look like you are unable to buy them.
also some times the Diaper Sales Menu doesn't seem to load properly and not shoving what you should be able to buy from it.
is there a public Change Log anywhere?
most of the Booty posts that seems to potentially have them are locked behind the Subscription...
it would be easier to deride if i want to Sub now or wait to a lather point.
also is it safe to move the save files from an older version or should we start fresh whit the current version?
and if we can, how far back would the save be compatible and safe to use?
else i hope you will have an good week forward.
so question, it seems like we can buy a trench coat, but it doesn't seems like we can equip it?
does it have any use currently?
or is it a legacy item or something?
i seem to remember it used to be able to help hide you diaper easier when sneaking into the offices before, but haven't been able to use it in a long time as fare as i can tell...
new bug report fore v0.04.7:
1: when going to bed and being asked if you want to go to sleep, if you choose to remove the "Corset" then it is impossible to go to sleep, and start the next day until you put it back on and go to sleep whit the "Corset" on.
2: everyone call's "Bridge" fore "Mist" when talking to her and about her, or is "Mist" a nickname and the MC just magically know her Real Name without ever having heard it?
3: all dialogue choices whit "Helga's" book reading Choice (except the Spell Book) seems to all tell the Same story, when before they ware all different stories, and the choices still appear in Russian.
4: when discussing the "Cosmetic Spell Book" whit "Martha" the dialogue just cut and loop back to the multiple dialogue choice place, as if the dialogue is incomplete or stuff is missing, it is kind of jarring that she say let's look at the spell book, then no more talk about it...
5: untranslated text.
and some from last bug report that still persist, when getting the Sword before talking to the Valkyries.
6: the body of "Martha" is missing when she go's to wake you up from sleep.
7: in the slime trap, before it ware possible to fight back, and start the fight with a full party, but now it seems like it is impossible to click/smash the key fast enough, so your MC always seems to start the fight as if the slime's managed to crawl up on him/Her.
8: i have already explored the catacombs and captured the Succubus, i don't think there should be any reason fore them to stop backtracking at this point, considering it is the first visit at this point in the story.
9: it feels like "Beatrice" is supposed to talk some more about the Curse here, but the dialogue just cut...
10: not really a bug but a bit of confusing information about the and the Additional uses fore it, like should i save the Jar of "Guar Juice (100%)" fore other stuff, i currently only know it can be used fore the Boat Repair so you can access a chest in the ship in the evening's, but the chest is currently un-openable, or i can use it to throw sticky sap on enemies, but that's not as useful as the affection i would get fore turning it in...
the only think i can suspect but don't know fore sure would be to use it to RE-apply "Guar Juice" on our skin, to remove our body-hair again, but it is hard to know fore sure whit the somewhat confusing translation in this aria.
11: not sure if it is intentional, but the information menu, that let's us know how Accepting or Resistant, as well as how much affection people have toward you, seams to have gone Missing from the last version of the game, i found it useful a couple of times when i ware unsure what different choices did.
well all in all, it seams like a lot have improved, but also seems like some stuff have somehow bugged a bit that ware not bugged before...
but the Translation have very Clearly improved a lot, and i appreciate the work you have put in.
hope you will have an good night forward.
another Bug Report fore the English version:
1: about every Dialogue choice you can select are not translated, so it is hard to know what you are choosing without save and reload, and even then it is not always clear what you choose, this is as i said fore EVERY Dialogue choice, not just the one in the screenshot.
2: this entire fight where you get hit by sticky juice is untranslated and still in Russian,i suspect some of the "Common Event's" might not all have been translated.
3: i think that the mirror draw the wrong statistic when telling you the D!ck length, I put it to 11CM at the start of the game, but it show up as 30 instead, witch match something else in the information menu, that is also not translated.
4:not entirely sure what happened but during a fight i think i got this error message, suspect a memory leek maybe?
5: more untranslated dialogue fore several segments of the dialogue.
6: this is an GAME BRAKING Bug, you are able to Drink the Sleeping Potion from your Inventory, and if you do, then you will not be able to interact whit the chair by the Cliff edge and transform the "Witch Hat" into ether a Ring or absorbing the power yourself, so you will lose out on content whit the Witch i would believe.
well that's the Bug's i have fond fore now, hope you have an good day forward.
Bug report fore the English version i guess:
1: untranslated part if you get the sword before you talk to the Valkyrie fore the first time:
2: then when talking whit the leader she will talk like you still have a sword and something else, i think she mean the "Wooden Club", even through i never pieced up a club so fare and the sword Brock by chopping 3 trees to get the stat boost, even if i kept the sword she koment on me having it even through it is put on the Rack in the tent before meting her:
3: then after ward she begin to say something in Russian again:
4: in the cirkle is the triger point fore a dialogue, but becose you can walk on the berry tree, you can totaly miss it by walking past it:
else i like the game quiet well so fare, through a shame that the translation still need's a bit of work, but it have been improved A LOT sins the first version i tried so glad to see improvements there.
also it is just a little thing, but i am a bit disappointed that i can't tell the Valkyries about the Big Glowing crystal to them personally considering we already saw them in the cave, when they mention that they needs magical crystals, i don't think it would be that big a leap in logic to mention that you saw some strange crystals in a cave and wondering if it ware them they needed, i would imagine that that information would help gaining there trust if you mentioned it at list.
well anyway i like it so fare and hope you will have an good week forward, and i hope my bug report is of help, and have a god night.