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I long searched for a module that I would like running for Cairn and I think this is it! Amazing work!

A quick glance reveals a typo or two and a few ambiguities present (what's a Bindywig?) that I suspect will be ironed out with revisions. PDF is also not searchable, but barely a problem for such a compact and evocative adventure, but could contribute to not being able to check if something was referenced previously.

However, nothing I mentioned above made me doubt the project is fully worth the asking price. I hope to see this in print someday!


Thank you for the feedback!! There are definitely meant to be blanks for the GM or players to fill in. What do YOU think a Bindywig is?? I think it's something shadowy, cunning and cruel, that which lives in the ruins of the Burned Village... it *might* let you live, if you can make it laugh or teach it something new!

I definitely hear you about the hyperlinks--I made this with photoshop , laser printer, scissors, tape and glue. I like working kinda analog. Not sure how to make it searchable/add hyperlinks since it's all image files! I'll keep this in mind for the next project.

Perhaps one of these can be a Bindywig?

Absolutely! Or maybe we'll find out more in Vindle's eventually forthcoming Beastie Almanack Volume 2.