Glad you liked it! It's one of those things that's starts as a joke "wouldn't it be funny if you were making pizza in a mech" and then it turns into "so it's settled, we're making a pizza making game" haha.
There's 4 dough meshes that we swap between as the player interacts:
- The round un-kneaded one (rigidbody)
- The kneaded ball with the flat bottom (another rigidbody)
- A cylinder shape that never gets removed from the plate (this is the spinning one)
- The pizza crust which is another rigidbody that gets attached
The cylinder one on the plate is just made so we can stretch the scale on x and z while we spin the y axis and it still looks reasonable
Our source is up here if you want to check it out: but be warned that it's game jam code haha.