- Honestly, in terms of feedback, not much to complain about:
- Enemy projectile speed is a bit of an overshoot; (hard to dodge)
- Player shooting on mouse is a bit overshoot, since no use of mouse cursor, a better idea would be to assign shooting on some keyboard key (and also you can add a Unity Input Manager to make this game playable on controller or ... Dance Pad!)
- Color of projectiles is barely readable - red bullets on red BG (also enemies have red bullets - just like the player)
- Graphics are a bit chunky (not everyone is an artist, i know, but some post prosessing as well as some smart particles would do the job)
Good things:
- enemies tell you when they will attack - that's a smart thing
- Mechanics are intuitive as well as readable - you understand what you have to do and when to do it
- Mech recall - good thing not to have to backtrack with robot through the level;
Overall, I'm truly exited to play more of this game - Hope family is doing ok!