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A member registered Jun 19, 2021 · View creator page →

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Neat little game - cute cutscenes as well as explanation. From a game design prespective game lacks readability - not all monster's color pallets resemble areas they live in - like deer or yellow animal - but that is just a minor issue - that can be easily fixed. Overall, good game idea!

Tv falling down almost instantly is a bad thing though, but it serves a purpose of "learning the basics" Xd. But i agree with the feedback and we'll try to implove the game in full release. Thanks for your feedback! 

neat horror - Got the vibes of FNAF mini games a little. Intro scene in sync with music is dope! Had a little issue with sprite renderer of main character - when changing directions, the sprite sometimes was "freaking out". But overall, I liked the experience, even though only horrors I can play are action-survival horrors

Level desing is fine - feels natural, at least. But add a little jump power, and it will be like a chef's kiss. ALSO! (chainsaw blades have smaller collider than a sprite - better fix that, cause that's the only major flaw i can name). And check our game as well - we are interested in getting as much feedback as we possibly can!

This game is a manifestation of Chris Pratts "I don't know what I am doing, but I'm doing it really well" meme. Due to low resolution limitations, for the most part I wan't even sure what I was looking at xD. Mouse control was a bit off - not intuitive for me, at least - traditional WSAD or else would be nice to add, I guess. Overall, nice job - game has it's vibes, I'll give it that! Keep working!

Not much to say - pretty typical platformer, but it's not a bad things, cause playing this was a pleasure. Neat use of limitations, although FPS without sub pixels is no way near acceptable. Wish to have a liiiiiiitle higher jump, but that would make everything too easy xD

Game as an idea is insanely good - has a lot of potential. Game design is good (making a non-euclian game is 14 in itself is a challange) Hovewer, the technical aspects of the game are not so good (sactifices to be made, i get it). First - making jump on W (or stick on controller) is a bad choice (pls, let this trend die with an shitty NES games - watch AVGN to see what I'm talking about). Secondly, the camera movement is not smooth and controller can't control the camera, which is odd. Overall performace (in Web version) is not fantastic. But the game concept is - like BABA IS YOU, but with non-euclian geometry. This has a lot of potential, if done right! Good luck!

You outsmarted Jam's outsmarting by taking away even more pixels from your disposal. And making a demake of a game that was already in low res xD That's some 300IQ moves right here, hehe. BUT! You've commited an incredible sin - you've used different sprites for bushes (in original NES game, the clouds and the bushes are the same sprite, but different color) - thus zero stars for graphics (nope). Overall, good little funny goofy project! Nice!

That is amazing! Me and my teammate came up with something like that during the brainstorming session, but I'm glad we didn't make the same games XD. Overall, I enjoyed the game, since, it's the same type of game as our game, but I really like some of the little things you did, like info about score points of the fish, or sound effects for different combo chain. It's a great game and I definitely want you to develop this game further!

Overall, has some potential. Playing this game on a keyboard was rough, but you get used to it quickly. Quick note: Web wersion on itch.io has weird windown scaling, if you try to FullScreen, you can't see half of the screen (the same goes for windowed mode). Windows version seems to be working just fine. Cool game!

Good use of 64x64 limitations, SFX is good and fitting. Reading took a while to get used to, but overall, pretty good entry! Racoon giving META coments is dope.

You did "X" dirty! But that's a good thing to do!

impressive visuals as well as game mechanic - simple yet engaging, hooking. And of course the sloops - hate those guys.

Thanks for feedback - I'm still getting used to unity, that's why there's no sound effects 😅

Thanks for the feedback! Audio is not mine (i mentioned authors in the description). Yeah, the camera was the issue, cause it was my first time i used a cinemamachine (so i did the best i could with it), but i'll figure something out in the post-jam. Version 

Seriously, nice game - GIMME MORE! 😂

I've made a game similar to this (arcade base game with progressive difficulty - "Drill thrill" - you can try it and see how I approached the same problem - that game is nowhere near good, but the points system worked great - every 1000 pints (out of 10 000 that are needed to beat the game) something happened 

Neat visuals! Hovewer, I've experience significant performance issues (have and rtx 3050, i5-11-gen 16gb Ram) had arounf 23 fps (tried in Chrome, Edge, Opera GX)...But I had a true cinematic experience! (pls fix it, want to play like a human but I can't afford a NASA PC right now)

Overall, not a bad prototype - just not polished as well as "underdeveloped" - strange sprite deformation during aiming, enemies are no threat to the player, cause they don't aim at you directly (why bullets are the same color - that's not how one do bullet hell games). Biggest flaw so far is a lack of a game loop - no purpose, no power ups (at least heals or smth). Keep working on a game, and maybe we'll see Mechpire Surviviors in a not so distant future!

Neat simulator idea - I understand that this is a prototype, but you can pretty much add some mechanics like buying new parts, new garages, etc - you know the drill. Good luck! Pls, don't throw this project into a trash bin)))

Thanks for the feedback - I should definitely do that, cause killing a tutorial birds was a gimmick i liked, but i definitely should have placed them a bit higher (oopsie) - many people suggest i should do that - and I will!

downloaded the native build - Maybe this is due to lack of library or old dirvers of some sort - idk really, but something was a bit off - game lagged for a sec before backing the pizza - maybe animation was preloading or smth (have no idea how UE treats those things)

  • Honestly, in terms of feedback, not much to complain about:
  • Enemy projectile speed is a bit of an overshoot; (hard to dodge)
  • Player shooting on mouse is a bit overshoot, since no use of mouse cursor, a better idea would be to assign shooting on some keyboard key (and also you can add a Unity Input Manager to make this game playable on controller or ... Dance Pad!)
  • Color of projectiles is barely readable - red bullets on red BG (also enemies have red bullets - just like the player)
  • Graphics are a bit chunky (not everyone is an artist, i know, but some post prosessing as well as some smart particles would do the job)

Good things:

  1. enemies tell you when they will attack - that's a smart thing
  2.  Mechanics are intuitive as well as readable - you understand what you have to do and when to do it
  3.  Mech recall - good thing not to have to backtrack with robot through the level;

Overall, I'm truly exited to play more of this game - Hope family is doing ok!

Game has a lot of effects (camera shake, SFX, different animations, etc) but lacks functionality - Mech is undestructable when player leaves it (i was standing outside of mech) and was able to shoot (basically immortal). Also, why enemies were fighting each other (is it lore accurate?) As a solo creator myself I know how hard it is to do everything on your own, but It is essential to prioritize gameplay over visuals, meaning that you should make your game 100% operational and only after that begin to add some graphics. Anyway, good idea of "get out of mech" mechanic - keep working!

Holy Crist is this hard! But it's not "fair hard", but a "hard-hard hard" - Controls are nowhere near intuitive; projectiles are slower than the player; UI (health) is grey like the floor (why isn't it in color?) and shakes when you move the cursor around (wierd, but I accept it). Black Player, Black Enemies, Grey Level, Grey health...it is barely readable. I can't say I enjoyed playing it, but I enjoyed that the game is only 4mb (that reminded me of an old era of gaming)

Neat little project - I used Gdevelop in my early ears (NOSTALGIA HITS HARD). Under no circumstances should you assign jump button as a W key  - most platform games have a dedicated jump button since the Super Mario Bros. "If it's working, don't fix it". Some technical feedback: 

  • Add some eye frames (if exist, extend the duration of eyeframes)
  • Proximity mine's hitbox is strange, cause can detect collision out of space (near the stairs -that is a rat move)
  • (maybe a Gdevelop's problem) - SFX played with a delay - ~ 1s 
  • Good thing to reuse assets, but change them a bit, if they have different actions (like different color of the sparks depending wheter their movement is horizontal or vertical, etc)
  • add a "hold JUMP to JUMP higher" mechanic - then Player has more control over the character and it feels good + adds possibilites to YOU to build YOUR LEVELS differently (win/win/win)

Overall, good game - enjoyed playing, keep working )

Same feedback as AriNeonShark - lack of feedback from the game when I deal/recieve damage + sometimes, health was randomly regenerating - also lack of significant difficulty bumper as the score goes up - only helicopters (maybe 4500 score is not that high, idk) Artstyle is neat by me - simple and a little "paint-like" - with particle effects and good VFX this can turn out to be a pretty good looking game! Keep working!

Extremly good looking game (UE5, no reason for this game not to be good looking). Neat idea, but, unfortunately, not so good execution - mech would benefit greately from an increased mobility (higher jump, faster movement). Also weapon is OK,  but hard to aim sometimes. Sheeps are horrible at following orders (like in real life, lol). Overall, like the visuals and idea. Definitely keep on working that - this has some potential

Can't emphasise enought how fun the concept idea is! Hovewer, the overall gaming experience is not so good - controls are whacky, music was lagging a lot (i have an rtx card, so not my pc problem, i guess) and I coudn't get pizza to the furnance - It took some time, but it was hard xD. Overall - neat idea (as well as some PIZZA TIME Spidey 2 ost). Please, don't abandon this game.

Thank for your feedback! Sorry to hear that you had hard time. To glide just hold the shift in air and moving direction you want to glide - you can't glide if on the ground though (

(1 edit)

Note: do not harm the humminbirds! 

Thanks for playing! Actually, after several comments I think I made a mistake of some sort, so i will fix the uncertanty about game ending, so players won't hesitate whether the game is done after all pills or not. Thanks for feedback!

any weapon beside pistol?

stylish, reminded me of super meat boy in terms of mechanics

Yup. There's the end. This is more like call to action that can encourage you to think out of the box in real life.

I didn’t say it would be easy. Just said it would be the truth.

Wow, thank you so much! Honestly, I thought that the game was too long and wanted to make even less "goal score". As I mentioned earlier, this particular built is pretty much done at this stage, but I'll do a complete reboot of it in a not very distant future, so stay tuned!

Thank you so much for your comment! Glad you liked it!
This was just a tribute to the greatest game in the world! X)

Thank you so much for your comment! However, I can't promise any "updates" for this particular game in meantime, but in some distant future,  I think Drill Thrill can get a complete remake with mayor improvements and "with some diversity"...Or maybe a sequel!