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A member registered Oct 01, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks I appreciate the compliments! And yes i definitely want to expand on the mini robot. I have even thought of having an entire level feature just the robot solving puzzles, dodging damaged wires, spinning fans, and maybe even a mini enemy flying robot as well.

Thanks for playing and the feedback! I agree that the walking animation needs some work, I plan on adding a few more frames to make it more smooth. 

Thank you! I am working on the level designs for at least another 3 or 4 levels which will be longer than the current ones. I will also build more of a story line with the ship captain/commander giving directions. Thanks for hosting this awesome jam and putting so much effort into playing every game!

Thank you for trying out my game! And thanks for the feedback!

Ok I gave it another try, and Yes! the lighting is soooooo much better now, I can fully appreciate the artwork so much more. I also like the addition of the banners throughout the halls, helps build to the atmosphere much better. I especially liked the changes to the cave system. I also like the UI fix where i can actually see my health and that I had 2 dashes this whole time!! Over all very well done game, I managed to find the end of the game much easier.

Now the main issue is getting the AI to aggro correctly. I managed to get a few to shoot at me but most still remain a bit unresponsive. It might be cool to give the boss 3 or more attack varieties if you are going to keep improving the game. Maybe one where it calls in laserbeams from the ceiling, kind of how the hammer of dawn looks in Gears of War. But thats just an exception of course, do what you guys think would fit the game. 

Anyway, nicely done, I improved my rating for this!

sure I can take another look! It will probably be late tonight or tomorrow but I definately will before the voting ends.

Oh it may have been the red firewall, I didn't know what it was until now. Is there a platform to drop down from? the most visible path runs you straight into the fire ring before i have time to see where else to go, but maybe i was missing something.

I am going to as many games as I can on this jam and leaving constructive and positive feedback.

Constructive: I had fun playing this though there were a few things that stood out to me. I felt the rotation of the camera sometimes made me a little motion sick so maybe finding a better way to control it would help. I also often would get stuck when surrounded due to enemy projectiles.

Positive Feedback: Visually the game looks really good, and i loved the collapse animations when destroying a target. I also loved the UI and the diverse weapon options. The mini map helped a lot with navigations and has a cool style to it.

Overall very nice job, seems well polished and was enjoyable to play!!!

Thanks for giving it a try! I appreciate the feedback it helps a lot. Now that you mention it the projectiles do kind of get lost in the red lit rooms. I also agree with my graphics being a bit on the rougher side, I rushed them on my iPad while riding to another state, its definitely something I want to spend more time on polishing now that I'm no longer pressured by time. Thanks again!

I am going to as many games as I can on this jam and leaving constructive and positive feedback.

Constructive: Not very many issues, though sometimes it felt a bit difficult to see. I had some issues where I ended up looping all the way around but then the doors that were unlocked wouldn't open anymore. I also had an issue where none of the AI actually attacked me or did damage including the boss.

Positive Feedback: Very beautiful visuals and 3D models. The sounds went well with the movement and I liked the little glow everything had, using the mushrooms to guide in the cave was also a good touch! The Movement was also very smooth and the ability to double jump and dash made for some very nice map navigation.

Over all I think this is a fun game with lots of pretty visuals. There were some rough patches here and there but that's expected with the short timeframe to develop.

Nice Job!!!

I am going to as many games as I can on this jam and leaving constructive and positive feedback.

Constructive: The camera felt too close to the character and most my UI didn't fit to my screen properly. It was a similar issue I had with a previous Unity version. I also think the game could be made more fun by adding some height with jumping mechanics and other places the enemy can spawn. In its current state on either difficulty I could just sit in the back of the map spamming space and never see an enemy. Some resolution was lost on the player character, there are tutorials on how to keep pixel art sharp that I think could help.

Positive Feedback: Visually the game looks nice. Its a very simple game loop so knowing what to do came quickly. The walking animation looked smooth and the enemies had a nice variety.

Overall a visually nice looking game with a simple goal. I personally think more areas to navigate and defend from would improve this game and build more retention on the player to keep playing.

Nice Job!!

Keep joining more jams and remember to have fun!!! Practice will only make you better!

I am going to as many games as I can on this jam and leaving constructive and positive feedback.

Constructive: The game is a bit too difficult. I struggled with getting to the second platform from the blue cars for quite a while. When I finally did make it, I suddenly hit a game over screen and had to fully restart. I can only assume this had something to do with the battery meter in the bottom left of the screen as I didn't fall. 

 - To remedy this: adding checkpoints or getting rid of the battery mechanic since the platforms are already difficult to manage.

Positive Feedback: The games art looks beautiful and the little robot is a fun character to play. I also loved the jumping animation for the character. I also felt the movement was smooth and easy to master.

Over all I think this was a great submission with very polished movements and animations, but just needs a little work on the level design/ core game mechanics to make it a little bit easier. There were tons of cool looking places in the screenshots but I was unable to get to that point in the game. If I was missing a mechanic here that made me fail the run id be curious to know. 

Nice work!!