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(3 edits)

Lots of action in this one. /thumbs up

Just my thoughts...

1. I am convinced this game is made to play when you are on drugs. Like wowo. ;-)

2. Friendly criticism based on little experience with these games: 

The penis is too big and very funky looking in both this game and Elseworld. Why does every visual novel have big penises?I would think people would want to see more female butt and vagina rather than penis or the man's face for that matter. The futa/unisex models are fine but even they have big penises in most VNs. But that is just my perspective. 

Obviously, if sex is happening you can't hide everything. But definitely more focus on the girls would have been nice. 

This game did have more better girl views than Elseworld but this game is lesser quality as far as the models go and cartoony look. But again that is my perspective.

3. How do you do the animations in your games? Is it build into the engine or do you have to create the animations from scratch?

Thanks for your time. Ciao. :)

I just made it to the Xenny scene. Nice angle.

Riley pole dance was nice. You could have possibly made that a high resolution 4:3 aspect ratio and made a higher quality video with closer zoom I think. There was a lot of wasted space on the left and right during the dance. Just an observation.

The gym part was interesting. Just a directing suggestion: You could have zoomed in on some of the girl's vaginas during the scenes as it played out. Some close ups. The few that you had were meh. :)

(1 edit)

Yea this is my first visual novel and it has some rough parts in the beginning. I hope to go back and redo it. All the animations are in the engine but there is no way to use the engine to make any game I want. I have to render out the videos from the engine in a scene editor. Man it would be amazing if it was the engine you were playing in. Maybe someday they will make it like that. Most visual novels are similar though but most render out stills with some animations. I just render out all animations. I do focus more on close ups in part two. I will keep it in mind though for future renderings. I really love feedback like this. Some people play and never say a word which is fine too. Also, I will try adding in sex sounds. It’s a bit hard to sync up with the speed but I know it would add a lot. I have some in the game folder and have tried it but wasn’t sure I liked it. I will make it optional. 

(6 edits)

Cool thanks for sharing. I know it is a lot of work. I bought Part 2. 

On to my thoughts again:

The Dungeon /thumbs up for the 2 dominatrix scenes. The toys were fine too but I was getting an error at the chair saying can't find picture or something when I went in a certain viewing direction. I did get through the section through finally. The dildo machine and horse were the best. Anal and dildo on the chair was the best for viewing. 

Zory was hot. It would have been cool to see more of her and her parts. Great job on her. 

When I tried to name the merged character the game threw another error up and I could not name it. I am guessing that is the end of part 1 or it is broke there?

I really like how you have the characters look at the camera when they are solo. That is a great touch. They make eye contact with the player. Very immersive. 

Another pole dance idea: Have a spotlight on the character with a strong shadow in the background so it looks like it is mimicking the movements of the character pole dancing. Which it is since it's a shadow. :)

Lastly, is this game related to Elseworld? Or is Elseworld a spinoff?

Highlights: Top and Bottom. Not sure why a pic when to the top. Sorry.

Thank you for the bugs. I will go fix them. I have been thru it so many times and the dungeon is probably one of the most complex early things I have done. Yea I will try doing new zoomed in pole dance and I will definitely zoom in on more vaginas in future videos :) When I do go back and redo the beginning videos I will keep that in mind too. Wow It shouldn't be broken... Let me look into it. When you merged in the Library with Cindy? 

In Part Two you will see the ties to Elseworld develop. Elseworld is not a spinoff. It is another planet but something happens that connects the two. I don't want to spoil anything. 

I will try some more camera views on a poledance and more zoomed in. There is a nice one with Nym in the beginning of part two.

There are some really good Dom scenes in part two!

Elseworld will always be a more subdued vs MLH. I want at least one to not be banned from Steam :) The won't allow MLH.

Yeah, I think after screwing Zory there is some chat and then maybe another sex scene then you have to merge. That is where it kept failing every time I entered a name. 

Yea that is fixed now in the current version. I still need to fix the sex chair though. It does not work right. 

Do I have to redownload the game to get the fix? It was here that I was stuck on. FYI

if you downloading using the app it would take one second to patch. But if you download externally then you will have to download the whole game again. The app is really nice if you haven’t tried it. Makes uploading and downloading patches so fast and slick. The problem is many developers are scared of it I think? So they don’t use itch.op hosting. So some games are there and some are not. 

Ok. Thanks for the tip. 

I did get past that one part in Part 1 and finished the game but during the parallel world and after I was getting quite a few text errors. So much so it was annoying. I started seeing it here at this scene (below) and had more issues after but not badly again until spin the bottle. Cheers.

What do you mean by text errors? Like typos?

Also, just some of my thoughts and questions. I'll try to make this short and to the point cause I know you are busy.

1. Is there a way to stay in the parallel world? I only had the option to go through the portal after getting all the gems. Each time I went back to a previous character in that realm I was not able to repeat being with them after their conversion. Unless I missed something.

1b. In the parallel world: The yellow chick after conversion looked nice. I think she was on the stairs. Some others as well but I forgot their names.

1c. In the parallel world: The two big daughters at the end were cool but more angles and positions would have been nice. Their conversion was good too. 

1d. In the parallel world: The fairy scenes were nice but the part where the main was duplicated into a fairy, again, would have been nice to see more angles and positions.

That's all for now. Thanks. :)

(2 edits)

My plan for Planet Zee is that you will be going back there. There is going to be a point where you will have multiple Harems and you will be able to freely go to whichever one you want and stay there or go back to another one. One will be planet zee. One will be the hotel and the house with garage will be the third. The future may be one too but not sure yet (time travel gets messy). There may be more but that is my plan for now. It is just going to take time. 

Also, I want to do this dungeon crawling thing on planet zee. A rogue like kind of thing in the pipes. You will have stats and these sexual finishing moves. I have already done a mock up. I don't know your age but it will be kinda like Wizardry but with fully animated walking around.

Update your game and you should be able to keep going on Day One. Sorry about that bug but also thank you sooooo much for pointing out the problem. I also tested the sex chair and it is pretty messed up. I can't  get to the more interesting functions of the chair. Working on that but it may take a day or two. I am almost done with Elseworld V5 and want to get that out first.