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(1 edit) (+1)

The Controls: who thought its a good idea to make Jump on Z? on US Layout its on Y which makes it complete inaccessible and bad to control also the Fire Key on X

Did you every tried to press D and X, Y(Z) at the same time properly?

Please stick with regular Controls, it has a reason why we have those Standard Keys such as Space for Jump or Left-Shift for (LMB) for Shooting you cannot controll D and X at the same time with ur Index Finger. 

Besides that the Game makes a very good fundamental impression and it would surely benefit from more Levels. Visuals are nice, the Controls (besides the Keybinding) feels good.

Keep up the good Work


Well, the idea was that you use the arrow keys with your right hand and have your left one on X and Z, I just also added WASD support just in case. Though now that I think about it, some keyboards have Z and Y swapped, which would be a problem.

Anyway, I was thinking in the future versions I'll just add customizable controls so the players can remap the keys as they like. And also gamepad support.

Thanks for the feedback!