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new bug report fore v0.04.7:
1: when going to bed and being asked if you want to go to sleep, if you choose to remove the "Corset" then it is impossible to go to sleep, and start the next day until you put it back on and go to sleep whit the "Corset" on.

2: everyone call's "Bridge" fore "Mist" when talking to her and about her, or is "Mist" a nickname and the MC just magically know her Real Name without ever having heard it?

3: all dialogue choices whit "Helga's" book reading Choice (except the Spell Book) seems to all tell the Same story, when before they ware all different stories, and the choices still appear in Russian.

4: when discussing the "Cosmetic Spell Book" whit "Martha" the dialogue just cut and loop back to the multiple dialogue choice place, as if the dialogue is incomplete or stuff is missing, it is kind of jarring that she say let's look at the spell book, then no more talk about it...

5: untranslated text.

and some from last bug report that still persist, when getting the Sword before talking to the Valkyries.

6: the body of "Martha" is missing when she go's to wake you up from sleep.

7: in the slime trap, before it ware possible to fight back, and start the fight with a full party, but now it seems like it is impossible to click/smash the key fast enough, so your MC always seems to start the fight as if the slime's managed to crawl up on him/Her.

8: i have already explored the catacombs and captured the Succubus, i don't think there should be any reason fore them to stop backtracking at this point, considering it is the first visit at this point in the story.

9: it feels like "Beatrice" is supposed to talk some more about the Curse here, but the dialogue just cut...

10: not really a bug but a bit of confusing information about the and the Additional uses fore it, like should i save the Jar of "Guar Juice (100%)" fore other stuff, i currently only know it can be used fore the Boat Repair so you can access a chest in the ship in the evening's, but the chest is currently un-openable, or i can use it to throw sticky sap on enemies, but that's not as useful as the affection i would get fore turning it in...

the only think i can suspect but don't know fore sure would be to use it to RE-apply "Guar Juice" on our skin, to remove our body-hair again, but it is hard to know fore sure whit the somewhat confusing translation in this aria.

11: not sure if it is intentional, but the information menu, that let's us know how Accepting or Resistant, as well as how much affection people have toward you, seams to have gone Missing from the last version of the game, i found it useful a couple of times when i ware unsure what different choices did.


well all in all, it seams like a lot have improved, but also seems like some stuff have somehow bugged a bit that ware not bugged before...

but the Translation have very Clearly improved a lot, and i appreciate the work you have put in.

hope you will have an good night forward.

For the first error, I already made a patch, you can download it in the discord, or again the game file here.