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(2 edits)

Super cute game with a surprising amount of depth, possibly my favorite in the jam so far.  

The mechanics are introduced in a well-paced manner. The reversing mushroom is probably my least favorite because its a little disorienting. The graphics are so-so, but the audio and music are superb. 

Admittedly it took me an embarrassing amount of time to figure out how it fit the theme (  /_ \)


Yeah the mushroom is my least favorite as well which is why I avoided using it as much as possible outside of a few levels. The problem with the puzzle design is it felt very limiting in what I could make due concept that both characters move. The mushroom inverting one allowed more interesting, but complicated, puzzle design. As I got better at making puzzles though I found other ways around it. I had a few more puzzles but didn't include them to keep the game a good time length. After the jam I plan on publishing a full version.