How r u guys?
Cool idea.
Soo it is my first game jam, i work as software developer for more than 6 years and i use to develop games as free time, to build a portefolio good enough to get a chance as a gameplay developer one day :D
I did my project as one man army (xD fully developed by me) with help from 4 friends for testing purposes and one of them made me the video gameplay :D
I loved the experience of being able to join this kind of contests, i will for sure think about other game jams to keep on going :D
Im very happy that my game is currently on top #2 Popular games, very hyped about it.
Our team (me and the 4 testers XD) are evaluating and doing constructive criticism to help the projects of people who are commenting on our game, feel free to do so, we really appreciate it.
Above all, have fun and relax while playing.
Cosmic Voyager
Read the narrative for better understanding of the game design, and play downloadable version if possible or even the full scren web for an enhanced user experience.