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Let's try each other's games ^^

A topic by Aresbos created Jul 23, 2023 Views: 894 Replies: 33
Viewing posts 1 to 30

Hello everyone! That was an amazing jam that we fight with sleep 😁 There are a lot of games out there and i want to play and rate them all. However i thought that we can share our games here in this topic and communicate each other's ^^. 

Our game is Colony Defense. We would be greatful if you vote our game ☺️



Great Idea! My game, the Blue Frontier, is available to play and review right here:


GJ everyone!! My game is called ExploR
check it out: 


Hi! My game is called TownsFolk, check it out here: Rate TownsFolk by PikaStars for Kenney Jam 2023 -

Here is my horror exploration game:


Hi, my game is a Typing tutor, where you explore the keys in the maze and the KEYS on the keyboard :D

check it out:


Here's mine - Hope you like it


I rated yours, here's mine Rate Mapocalypse by OneMannGames for Kenney Jam 2023 -


I rated yours too ^^


I'm definitely planning to check out the games in this thread, for now I'll link my submission; great work everyone!


Great work at all. I liked your game 👏


Hey all! Here's my attempt for the Kenny Jam! :

Tried to make something like The Witness. Hope You'll like it!


Here’s our little RPG game where you have to explore and escape some dangerous islands.

We tried to make the enemy battles have some uniqueness to them as far as rpg game battles go at leas haha.  The more islands you discover - the more new enemies will stanrt appearing.

Hope you all like it:

This is the first time my team and I have tried to participate in GameJam, we did a platformer and here's the link: ""Hope You'll like it!


How r u guys?
Cool idea.
Soo it is my first game jam, i work as software developer for more than 6 years and i use to develop games as free time, to build a portefolio good enough to get a chance as a gameplay developer one day :D
I did my project as one man army (xD fully developed by me) with help from 4 friends for testing purposes and one of them made me the video gameplay :D
I loved the experience of being able to join this kind of contests, i will for sure think about other game jams to keep on going :D

Im very happy that my game is currently on top #2 Popular games, very hyped about it.
Our team (me and the 4 testers XD) are evaluating and doing constructive criticism to help the projects of people who are commenting on our game, feel free to do so, we really appreciate it.

Above all, have fun and relax while playing.

Cosmic Voyager

Read the narrative for better understanding of the game design, and play downloadable version if possible or even the full scren web for an enhanced user experience.

Submitted (1 edit)

Hello, everyone!  Please check out my game here and consider rating it:

I have seen a lot of great submissions!  I still need to catch up on sleep, but I look forward to rating more later today.

This was my first game jam, and a really fun experience for me.  The deadline motivated me to finally finish and publish a game after many months of tinkering with the engines.  This experience has taught me to stop pursuing perfection at the cost of publishing anything at all.  A valuable lesson.

I wasn't able to get to some mechanics I had planned, but I think it turned out well.  I got sidetracked a couple of times on trivial things, but still managed to get it published.  Thank you for playing!


Hi all! 

First jam for us - no sleep and loads of fun! Please try out Marco Yolo if you have  time:

Marco Yolo is a browser based RPG roguelike with very silly comedy elements. The stupid tone of voice in the game was perfect for hiding inevitable bugs which occur in a game jam!

We will be playing other games throughout today and the rest of the week. So far have found so many creative and awesome ideas. Great stuff guys!


Hi everyone!

My game is "Beneath the clouds". Do you want to try it?


Here´s mine, 

anyone, reply if you tried it, Ill try yours!


i tried it, nice job!



If youd like some thoughts on yours, its pretty good, and I like that you acknowledge the bugs (even if theyre minor and dont affect gameplay much). I would add jumps and change the camera controls, so that if you move your mouse left the camera turns left.

Pretty good all in all!


Thanks! I've added an invert option in a new build I'll upload once voting is over. Thanks for playing and rating!


Hi, exploring tower defence in space is here!


First time participating in a game jam and solo at that so criticism would be really appreciated cuz I want to work forward with a similar project like this.

Also please try to rate as many games as you can.  Really need to help our friends whose works have gone underappreciated till now🔥

Also check out and rate my game if u can in the meanwhile ♥ => 

Constructive criticism much appreciated!!


Hi all!

Firstly congrats on completing your games! 

Here's my submission if anyone wants to try it out

Just try not to rage too much as it is quite challenging ;)


Hey everyone! If you have the time please check out my submission! I plan to get through as many games as possible this week!


Hello y'all! I had an absolute blast with this jam, despite being able to work for only half the time available. I'm always open to some criticism and stuff I could improve on, so here's my submission!
Hope you'll enjoy it! ^^


Ooh, so many cool-looking games to try. I'm looking forward to checking them out! 

I'm a very beginner game dev and this is my second game jam. I've been trying to challenge myself to just make something with what I know. So of course, there were a lot of things I wanted in my game that I ran out of time for or didn't know how to do. Still, I love the core mechanics I did implement, and want to keep developing after the jam. So please give my game (aka single-level proof of concept) a play, and let me know what other mechanics you'd like to see added, or what kind of game it could ultimately become. (Thanks!)


Hi - all my game is


hello guys! I made a top down game where you play as bug named shimbo, who has some abilities like picking blocks and shooting bazooka(if you have the missiles), using these abilities you will try to dodge every enemy in the way to go to the portal.

I feel like this game still need some improvement, I hadn't polish it yet, so any feedback and comments is welcomed!

Submitted (1 edit)

Hey ! This is the game we did Unrealvision and I.
Super Sugar Sailor

This is our first gamejam but I think we did pretty well and we managed to finish the jam with what we globally envisioned. We just had to skip some polishing (tutorial and particles/shaders globally).
We plan on improving the game with feebacks we received so feel free to say what you think about the game :)
Note : The rules are a bit unclear but you need to bring back the candies to the base to be granted more fuel !


There you go! Here's our take on the Exploration theme:

You are a psychoanalyst who needs to enter your clients' dreams and explore them to unveil what happened in their past. Hope you enjoy!

Submitted (1 edit)

Hi all!

I thought I'd share my game, which is made completely with JS, no libraries used, just pure, vanilla JS. The game is inspired by classics like Digger and Mr. Do.

Here is the link if you'd like to give it a try. Enjoy!


Hey, I like to share my game Dreamer here. Dreamer is a little puzzle game in a surreal world.