Game Title/URL: A matter of opinion: PRIDE /
Pitch/Information: An experimental platformer where you, as the character, explore more / less positive worlds. While you're jumping and running your way over and around monsters you can take time to reflect what pride is to you and how you define it to yourself. The game is a prototype first effort in the platforming genre. It uses a few tricks and ideas I'd devised to more test out the platformer genre than make a solid platformer itself. Not to say the gameplay should be bad.
I'd like feedback on: Specifically I'd like feedback on world design and how you 'felt' about the overall title. Did the concept the game tries to convey work for you? Did you understand why certain things were happening within the game. Did the visual art style meet the needs of the game etc.
I need help on: If you think there's something fundamentally wrong about my game design or how it functions I'd love to hear how to do better.