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I loved the visuals and aesthetics, also some of the animations like the coin were very beautiful and polished.

I didn't hear any music or sound effects, please let me know if it's a bug. Also, I was never sure what my two abilities did, is there any part where I can get that feedback?

Great job!


Thank you so much for playing! The game unfortunately does not have any sound. It isn't a bug, I just didn't take the time to add any.

As for the abilities you're mentioning I suppose you're referring two the two dice in the corner which change every room. However these aren't abilities but more like visual indicators of which stat was randomly buffed for the round and how much it was buffed.  So, as an example, if the dice show a sword and the number 6, you'd know your range (represented by the sword) was increased by 3 (0.5x6).

Thank you for your feedback! If I end up updating the game or remaking it I'll take into consideration adding audio and clarifying the buff dice system. :)