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A member registered Jun 03, 2021 · View creator page →

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Ok, I accept the challenge

I hate not having seen this game before, I'm sorry, but I loved it!
Just one question, how many endings does it have? I only got the 'Cooler hat' ending, haha, amazing."

I'm terrible at marketing 😅
By the way, thank you very much for your words!

Good game, what caught my attention the most was the detail in the explosion animations, very well executed.

I would recommend making the gameplay feel a bit more fun and adding a bit more feedback in the movement; sometimes I wasn't sure if I was moving.

Great job!

Thank you for playing my game and for your feedback!
Regarding the resolution, I used 160x144 scaled by a factor of 4 to make it fit on screens, but was made on 160x144.

The game is quite challenging if you want to progress without taking damage. For this reason, I appreciate the generous checkpoints. Very good propulsion and gravity mechanics. Great job.

Thank you very much. Hahaha, I'm glad to have caused that feeling

'Challenging more than frustrating,' I always struggle with that, but I'm glad I achieved that with you <3! I wanted to mention that I planned to have a giant space worm arrive every 3 waves, but the lack of time worked against me, hahaha. Thank you for playing my game, and I'm glad it entertained you!

It's a really fun and unique game. At first, I didn't know I could hold down the buttons to hang on, hahaha, but I figured it out over time. I could totally see this in the Gameboy catalog! The only thing I can mention that I didn't like was the music; the SFX are really well done, and the animations too! But the soundtrack can get a bit tiring. Other than that, the game is really, really good!

Tenkiu <3

You really put effort into the review; thank you so much! <3. I'm flattered that you noticed so many of the details and that you enjoyed them. And I'm sorry, I always run out of time for tutorials, hahaha. I only manage to post the controls in the text or on the page.

Wow, the game is really polished, great references and pixel art! If I had to say something, it's that there's a bit of a lack of feedback when it comes to receiving or dodging hits; many times I wasn't sure if I was dodging or not, or if I was being attacked or just dancing. Other than that, the game is amazing!

I really enjoyed the game; the boss battles, the various obstacles, and the package delivery mechanics are very interesting. The only thing I could say is there's a lot of text; some jokes are funny, but I wanted to jump in and play, and the text took a while to finish. Great job!

Thank you for your feedback! To win the game, you must fill the spaceship on your right with resources. Once it's full, you can escape and return home! I'm sorry if it wasn't very clear; I didn't have time to include a tutorial, haha

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Yeah!! I wanted to implement the idea of displaying a worn-out appearance for weapons when there's only one charge or one arrow left in the case of bows and arrows, but I ran out of time to do it.  I'll definitely consider for future updates! Thank you very much

If you can, try to get a higher score to hear the full song! :D

Thank you so much for your comment.
I do apologize for the game closing upon completion; it's a temporary patch solution since the music wouldn't start again when restarting the game. I also hate it, haha!

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A bit rough, but it has its charm in the visuals, and the sounds too (although the death scream is too much, haha), good job!
Try to improve the gameplay experience during movements outside of combat; it feels somewhat odd to press to pass through holes

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Simple but enjoyable to play, good job!

I loved the visuals and aesthetics, also some of the animations like the coin were very beautiful and polished.

I didn't hear any music or sound effects, please let me know if it's a bug. Also, I was never sure what my two abilities did, is there any part where I can get that feedback?

Great job!

Awante Kaiju Hero Viejaa!! 

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I will take into account what you tell me about the font used, thank you very much !!   
PD:  My first follower


💚 Thanks yevheniyo !! I will try to keep improving

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Hahah Elod press Z to advance the story or use ENTER to skip the cinematic  
I think it is impossible for the game to freeze it's not that complex  🤔

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I forced myself to learn some pixel art, I had no idea how to do it when I started haha

So I'm glad someone liked it <3


Yeah you are right jaja This was my first Jam so I wasn't sure how much to cover. About everhood, first I thought about the mechanics and when I was programming them I realized that it was very similar haha, by the way I loved everhood

Thank you very much abbas !! <3,  sorry, I wanted to do level 1 with enemies and everything + a tutorial, but I did not have the time, so I could only leave the training field.  That's why I named it "Gameplay Prototype" jajja