Hey Karce
Yeah for the Menu, im super proud of it, i have created a Asset für Unity 2 Years ago which i constantly use as im capable of implementing a whole menu with video and sound settings in just a couple of Minutes, then adjust it to the Game needs, it goes quick nowdays.
Im with you, it needs more Juice. In form of Effects and Sound. Im sure in the Update next week there will be already significant improvement on those things.
The Bug you encountered, is due to the fact, when the enemies keep growing "as they are starting small" and at the end they are that big that they cannot get in Attack Range to the Player anymore. Im aware of this already and thinking about a solution, i guess the best is to increase the attack range with the size they grow.
Thanks for playing it and giving some Feedback,
I definitely wanna work more on it and considering already to buy a Steam Token and go for Store Page, as i recently have played those Survivor Games myself a lot, im enjoying them which lead me into starting with "Kaiju Survivor" so lets see were this can go.