- The controls are fine. (I tested with a touchpad and a touchescreen)
- On my laptop the sound is not working properly. A lot of artifacts in firefox. A bit better in chrome, but not perfect. But: what I could hear sounded good, music and SFX are matching well together and are creating a nice atmosphere.
- The visuals look good. I like the style.
- It took me some time to understand what I need to do. After that I had no problem to figure out what the different blocks do when they appeared. Maybe it would be nice to add some tutorial-hints to the first level.
- The difficulty is good. After I figured out what to do I found it quite balanced. The right amount of complexity added from level to level.
- I found some bugs:
- When dragging & clicking fast you can provoke crashes
- Are you using colliders to prevent blocks to move through barriers? I managed by very quick movement to force a block through a barrier...