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A member registered May 27, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the bug report. I’ll investigate the issue!

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Thanks for your message. A link to a WebGL version of the demo can be found here: https://gamefuldev.itch.io/tonalities-demo

However, the latest build currently exists on Steam (I’m pushing new versions up to itch.io in the near future): https://store.steampowered.com/app/2265750?utm=itch

Thanks for your response.

I fully agree with the requirement for a tutorial area and that the first addition I’m going to make to the game. I also like your idea for a quick reset of the level if you know you’ve failed.

Fully agree with being able to access the options during a level, I’ll add that too.

The movement of the ball should be the same every time, I’ll investigate the yellow blocks to make sure its consistent each time.

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Thank you for your feedback. It’s really useful.

I fully take on your point about allowing the movement of the blocks to be relative to where the user initially clicked as opposed to snapping to the center. I also really like your points about adding a clearer indicator of level progress for the player to make the aim of the puzzle easier.

Thanks for also raising the point about the GUI becoming confusing when the blocks are positioned too closely together. That’s something I can certainly address.

I like your idea about the sound of the block being determined by its positioning in the level. I’ll speak with my sound guy and see what we can come up with because it’s a really good point.

I also take on board your points about difficulty and the ambiguity of some of the pieces. The yellow block flips the gravity of the level but I feel that I should come up with a way to make that more visually obvious.

Re: release platforms, we were thinking about a mobile release depending on the response to the PC release. We think the game would be suitable for phones and tablets too.

Thank you again for taking the time to have a look at the demo. I really appreciate your honest feedback.

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Thanks Wasabi, I’ve shared my response directly on the game page.

Thanks for this it’s really useful feedback.

I’m currently investigating the sound issues. It’s seems to be an issue somewhere between FMOD and WebGL. The web isn’t one of our target platforms but I still want the HTML5 demo to put it’s best foot forward. If you want an artifact-less version please check out the demo hosted on Steam.

I’ll introduce a tutorial level to better explain the aim of the game too.

Thank you for the big reports too. I’ll investigate a way to limit user input to hopefully mitigate crashes. And you’re right, you shouldn’t be able to force blocks through walls!

Thanks again for your feedback!

Hey everyone, we recently released the first 3 levels of our new puzzle game Tonalities.

I’m looking for feedback from players about the following:

Are the controls responsive/precise enough? What do you think of the sound design, does the music and SFX blend well together? Are the visuals for each level clear? Do you know what each block does? What do you think of the difficulty of the puzzles? Too easy? Too hard? Do any puzzles feel out of order?

If you have a spare 15 minutes, please click here to try out the game.

Thank you!

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Hey everyone, you can now try the first 3 levels of our puzzle game Tonalities now on Itch: https://gamefuldev.itch.io/tonalities-demo

Tonalities is a ambient puzzle game where you need to move around blocks within the level to complete trick-shots.

We’re looking for honest feedback about what we’d need to improve looking towards the full release. Please leave a comment on the demo page with your suggestions.

Thank you!

Thanks for your feedback. I’m not going to lie, I struggled with the theme and wasted a lot of time not knowing where to start. I’m glad you found the game kinda fun, I learnt a tonne whilst making it.

The web build get busted during the itch server meltdown at submission time. However, the windows build is identical and works. You are welcome to try that 😊

Beautifully presented game with a great premise. The binding of WASD didn’t quite sit right with me but I was able to get used to it after the first couple of levels.

Well done!

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Not sure what exactly the aim of this game is but I enjoyed the chaos of it all. A tutorial level would be very welcome in the future!

Very well presented game, in the future it might be nice to be able to peek at the adjacent faces of the dice to better plan future moves?

Great concept, there just aren’t enough levels to fully explore it. I would keep working on this after the jam :)

Nice art style and concept! However, as others have said it feels like the game plays itself. I didn’t need to do much in between waves of enemies.

Congrats on completing the jam!

Had to leave a comment for the quality of the sound effects SCHHHWING

Ahh I see that you are also a connoisseur of Kenney assets. I’m fairly certain we’ve used the same tile sets. Congrats on completing the jam!

Thanks for your feedback! I hope you enjoyed the jam.

Thanks for your feedback! I hope you enjoyed the jam.

The HTML5 version is stuck in the pipes at Itch.io, there is a Windows version available whilst they sort out the problem :)

Thanks for the feedback, that’s a great suggestion. I’ll definitely look at doing that if I continue development of this project :)

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Hi Remi,

Thanks for your kind words. I was slightly inspired by the falling physics of electroplankton from years ago so it’s not completely original…

My interpretation of the looping theme was that your starting point will be the same at the start of each level, and continue over and over until you find your solution. The physics allow players to build their final solution over time after many iterations :)

Thanks for stopping by!


Thanks for your feedback, the game was designed for phones (simply as I’ve never made a phone game before) which made the screen resolution dodgy for PC players due to the landscape orientation.

I designed the game to be pretty hard as I didn’t want people to be able to beat it in one sitting. I will try to tweak the difficulty, etc if I make a full release from this.

Thanks for playing!

Thanks for your feedback!

I actually forgot to check the theme after I decided on my main idea 😅

Thanks for your feedback.

I’ll look into making the game more colorful and try to add some form weapons limitation. I think an overheating mechanic is probably the best suited to stop the spamming.

Thanks for checking it out!

Glad you enjoyed it!

Re: forgetting about the theme. This is a fair comment, to be completely honest I actually forgot to check the theme once I decided on building a minute long shooter!

Thanks for your feedback, I’m going to give the controls an overhaul once the ranking period is over 😊

Like others I had some trouble predicting exactly how the blocks would rotate with each other. I think a rotation preview could help this!

Nice idea, I’m looking forward to seeing how you develop it!

Fun concept, would like to see this further developed in the future!

This was a really fun experience, I got very strong electroplankton vibes from the musicality of the level.

Was that a source of inspiration or a happy coincidence?

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Great feeling and responsive puzzle/platformer!

Out of all of the submissions we tried this morning, this is the only game my girlfriend (who hates games) wanted to play to the end!

Thanks for your comments, I had similar thoughts about having the guard run between set positions with a signal but I didn’t feel I had enough time before the end of the jam to implement it properly.

In my experience, 645 is a very respectable score! Well done!

Thanks for your comments, the skyline pixel art is actually a free asset from itch! I’m a programmer not an artist 😅

Thanks for your comments, I agree that there are still some issues with the jumping. I’ll try to improve this after the ranking process.