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anyways! about the update! i LOVE it!! every theory untill the end was thrown out the window! the suspense of finding the skull in the furnaces. seeing the cages " able to git at least ten bipeds " meanwhile it was for HUMANS!! i had all sorts of theorys! possibly the demons killing humans after being created and making more of themselves before causing the cascade. never did i arrive at a theory of them being demons trapped in the first stage of life before hatching into real life demons to bring destruction to the world! ( im guessing that the " blackzones " are where a demon thrived in its second stage of life after asending if it wasint explained and i somehow missed it? ) and loken was right the entire time! if he looked to deep there would be consiquences and he would start getting engolfed by it.  also the romantic bit about how something was.. new by that fire. something deeper. the flame of emotion i was looking for in my original review! also i know that byte is basically a demon but i will call him an angel because the carmine villlage thought demons were angels ment to send good messages against evil.  also the expansion of takhi's story?! WOW!!! its the expansion i wanted and SO MUCH MORE!! almost every single itch i had from the review was read to detail and solved! i HAVE to edit the review again to put all this in! i didnt even know there WAS an update because i forgot to follow the dev! ( thank you for letting me know of the update! ) while i understand mc's wanting to know who he was, he looked too deep willing to lose everything if it ment uncovering any piece he could find. with every piece found after the first dish? he slowly is losing himself as the first half of bite eats away at him. driving him to get the second piece so he would have a vessel. ripping apart his sanity slowly like a carrot on a stick in front of mc. promising revenge. closure. happyness. when all it gave him was rage. anger. resentment. ( my guy legit blocked out an entire LANGUAGE because it belonged to the people who hunted his species to extinction ) i still wonder who wyatt is. possibly one of the last humans trying to desperately save and preserve mc after being burned and rescued? or was it a biped who wanted the human race to live on?  mc was under the same influence toxic religion promises. do what we want and we will give you everything you ever wanted. untill you get there. and they give you nothing but a thank you for your sacrifices. maybe a smile.  tricking the desperate unto offering every piece of themselves for one thing. that ultimately destroys them and finishes the job. every new piece fit so snugly into the puzzle that you can barely spot a seam! just BEAUTIFUL

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lol i was so co nfused at the furnace scene, i had NO idea they were fucking burning them humans (even tho the hints were all there :v)

I honestly was not expecting the demons to be actually demons, and its still hard to believe to this point. Like, yeah, they are elderitch beings and all, but to actually have the answer? odd imo. Alex(MC) was so confident they were ai's it rubbed off on me too.

And yeah, Loken being right was also surprising to me. The Informed actually being possessions was such a good way to explain that too.

Actually, yeah, they being actual demons explaing a lot lol (Nitro really being able to sense things for example)

Im pretty sure Nitro said that the lab room had "something something bad vibes guilty" , so im leaning on Wyatt being a biped - personal theory: did you notice Alex(MC) saying how he felt (2 times even) "sad, but in a good way" refering to being with Loken? My theory is that maybe he has memories of a possibly a romantic Biped? (Highly improbable, but hey thats just a theory - a GAME theory)

Totally agree with the puzzle being perfect too T_T - except we still dunno nothing about the hows and whys of the Affliction, but i guess that comes later on (we cant have ALL the misteries solved i suppose).

Also also, what even WAS the algorithm in the end? Byte saide Glitch came with it, not that it was it.  Glitch said it was a key to the Soulcreek, but is that true? If it is, then we just lost it forever, and wont be going to Soulcreek? Poor guy atleast got SOME answers in the end.

Oh and im sooooo desperate to just see Alex(MC) going to the village with everyone looking dumbfounded and he being like "I LIVED BITCHES"

(Also, im stealling that "Byte is an angel" for me thaaanks)

(1 edit) (+1)

it also could be possibly that glitch may be pretending to be byte again. after all byte said " i didnt start RECORDING DATA untill we first met. " as in there is documentation of their " are you a human " test. trying to lead him to soul creek. it seems.. far to easy for him to be just GONE like that. a legit evil demon in our mind? just thrown out like that? the big bad of the game just deleted. gone like that?? he may be laying low. knowing mc wont agree with him. so he has to use.. alternative measures. the one person who came out alive kept saying soulcreek over and over. whatever is there i doubt it has real answers. getting the pieces tried to rip mc apart. what good could the main thing be? the person came out in a state of trauma where they could only repeat the name ever again.  and im not sure about the romantic biped?? i mean mc did legit block out the entire language because he was murdered by bipeds and hates their entire species. its where all the rage and anger came from is unknowningly the hate for bipeds for him and his familys suffering. maybe he befriended a biped growing up or something? and totally you can have it! i think byte as what the carmine people THOUGHT demons were. change. and what change is there but a demon that is pure and kind and helps people? ( also sorry i ramble alot about interesting things ESPECIALLY THEORYS!! and hey! honestly ive loved our conversation!! do you happen to have discord?? i read a ton of other visual novels i can recommend as well that are very high quality! 

I do! Tho i have no idea how discord works anymore with them tags and all. But my nick is 'maxqlq'! 

Im not really chatty, but feel free to send me a message anytime! 

i send a request! im plushbunnny