lol i was so co nfused at the furnace scene, i had NO idea they were fucking burning them humans (even tho the hints were all there :v)
I honestly was not expecting the demons to be actually demons, and its still hard to believe to this point. Like, yeah, they are elderitch beings and all, but to actually have the answer? odd imo. Alex(MC) was so confident they were ai's it rubbed off on me too.
And yeah, Loken being right was also surprising to me. The Informed actually being possessions was such a good way to explain that too.
Actually, yeah, they being actual demons explaing a lot lol (Nitro really being able to sense things for example)
Im pretty sure Nitro said that the lab room had "something something bad vibes guilty" , so im leaning on Wyatt being a biped - personal theory: did you notice Alex(MC) saying how he felt (2 times even) "sad, but in a good way" refering to being with Loken? My theory is that maybe he has memories of a possibly a romantic Biped? (Highly improbable, but hey thats just a theory - a GAME theory)
Totally agree with the puzzle being perfect too T_T - except we still dunno nothing about the hows and whys of the Affliction, but i guess that comes later on (we cant have ALL the misteries solved i suppose).
Also also, what even WAS the algorithm in the end? Byte saide Glitch came with it, not that it was it. Glitch said it was a key to the Soulcreek, but is that true? If it is, then we just lost it forever, and wont be going to Soulcreek? Poor guy atleast got SOME answers in the end.
Oh and im sooooo desperate to just see Alex(MC) going to the village with everyone looking dumbfounded and he being like "I LIVED BITCHES"
(Also, im stealling that "Byte is an angel" for me thaaanks)